The project team would like to acknowledge the following individuals and affiliated agency /office /operation for their invaluable assistance in locating and providing access to underground mining maps and related records:
- Scott Kuzma, Iron Range Research Center (IRRC)
- Phil Deloria, Iron Range Research Center (IRRC)
- Bob Wagstrom, Minnesota Department of Revenue Minerals Tax Office
- Barry Lesar, St. Louis County Inspector of Mines
- Gary Liubakka, Great Northern Iron Ore Properties
- Greg Lindahl, Meriden Engineering
- Dan England, Eveleth Fee Office
- Peter Heltunen, RGGS
- Mike Young, Hibbing Taconite Co.
- Larry Schmelzer, USS-Keewatin Taconite
- Doug Buell, former LTV Mining Co.
- Peter Jongewaard, Cliffs Natural Resources
- Tom Campbell, Cliffs Natural Resources
- Phil Larson, United Taconite
- Joe Berklich
- Dan Lynch
- Tim Pachovnik
- Pat Geiselman
- Barry Lesar
- Gary Liubakka
- Frank Oreskovich
- Ed Tekautz
- Paul Waller