State Earth Materials Lease Management Plans

Reclaimed Gravel Pit
Local sources of construction aggregate are vital to the economic well-being of communities. Best management practices (BMPs) can mitigate environmental risks when they are specific to aggregate mining activities and unique to each site.

The goal of each state earth materials lease is to:

  • Minimize environmental impacts
  • Maximize use of aggregate resources
  • Rehabilitate the site in a timely manner through the application of phased reclamation
The goal is to reclaim each site to a natural-appearing and functioning landscape that is safe, stable and non-eroding, and has value for timber production, recreation or other land-uses.


If you would like to learn more about construction aggregate leasing opportunities, please contact:

Aggregate Leasing Program
Nic Borchardt

Lands and Minerals Division
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155-4045
Tel: 651-259-5958

Disclaimer: The DNR does not operate a retail business to sell stone products or construction aggregates. However, if you have a question regarding a request to purchase commercial quantities of materials from our lessees, we will provide contact information to you for our lessees. Please send an email inquiry for more information.

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