When: Plan on spraying in mid-summer through early fall (July 1 - September 1) because the herbicides are most effective at this time and purple loosestrife plants are easily identified. Treat as soon as possible after loosestrife begins to flower. This will minimize seed production. If plants are already well-established at the site, there is probably already a high density of viable seeds in the soil. The disadvantage of treating early in the season is that loosestrife plants are difficult to locate because they are not in flower.Permits: If purple loosestrife is located in or along a water course, lake basin or wetland, a permit is probably required for control work. An Aquatic Nuisance Control (ANC) permit is required for chemical control of purple loosestrife within the boundaries of the state's protected waters. When treating loosestrife, there is no fee for this permit. Contact your local DNR office if you aren't sure if the lake, stream or wetland is protected and whether a permit is needed or check the permit pages for more details.Applications for an Aquatic Nuisance Control permit may be made by the riparian owner on that body of water or by a representative of a group of riparian owners, such as a lake association.Sprayers: Use only a plastic or stainless steel sprayer. Use clean water, check your sprayer for leaks and adjust the nozzle to provide a spray of fine droplets. Do not adjust to a mist, since a fine mist is likely to drift and kill desirable vegetation.Weather: Treat when rain is not expected for at least 8 hours, preferably 24 hours, and treat only during mid-morning to afternoon (wait until the dew is off and the plants are dry). Do not treat on windy days. Refer to herbicide labels for wind and temperature limitations.Mixing: Follow the instructions on the label of the herbicide you purchase. For example - Rodeo and Pondmaster: Mix a 1% solution (1 1/3 ounce Rodeo per gallon of clean water) and .25% of Ortho X-77 Spreader (1/3 ounce per gallon).Apply Herbicide: Wet about 1/4 to 1/2 of the leaf areas of each plant (a "clump" of loosestrife is an individual plant), taking care to avoid spraying other species. Often loosestrife is taller than the surrounding vegetation, so you can spray the top of the plant. Many plants require only one brief squirt of herbicidePlanning: Work through the colony starting at one side and backing away from the area you have sprayed to avoid walking through the wet herbicide. For larger patches, tie some bright colored flags to tall plants to mark the boundaries of the areas that have been treated.Signs: If the treatment is carried out on Minnesota public waters or wetlands, you need to post "Loosestrife Control Site" signs in the treated area to serve notice to anyone who may use the area for water recreation. Use restrictions vary depending on the herbicides and how they are used. Signs are provided by the DNR when the Aquatic Nuisance Control (ANC) permit is issued.Revisit: Revisit the wetland each year to kill any surviving plants and new seedlings to prevent invasion. Also watch any areas where soil disturbances or exposed mud flats may provide a site for seedling establishment.