Danaus plexippus

The monarch butterfly is a common insect that lives throughout Minnesota during the summer. It's seen in backyards, parks, and in rural areas. Its large size, wide range, and bright orange and black wings make it one of Minnesota's most well-known insects. It was adopted as the state’s official butterfly in 2000.
General description: The monarch butterfly has bright orange wings with black veins and white spots.
Length: 3 to 4.5 inches.
Weight: Less than one ounce.
Color: Orange and black.
Monarch eggs are placed by females on milkweed leaves. They emerge as larvae, or caterpillars, and feed on milkweed, going through five stages or instars, gradually growing larger with each stage. Fifth instars then transform into a pupa or chrysalis for about two weeks and finally emerge as a butterfly. Growing from an egg to an adult butterfly takes about one month. In the spring, monarchs that have wintered in Mexico, fly north laying eggs on milkweed plants there or in southern states. The next generation flies north, some heading to Minnesota. Several generations build up during the summer in Minnesota, with the super-generation being produced in the fall that flies to the overwintering grounds in Mexico.
The nectar of various flowering plants. Monarch larvae eat only milkweed.
Birds and other animals.
Habitat and range
Monarchs are found throughout Minnesota and live in fields and parks where milkweed and native plants are common. Because monarchs feed on flowering plants, many homeowners are converting portions their backyards from grass to flowers to help the butterfly population. Each fall, tens of millions of monarchs, including those from Minnesota, migrate to wintering grounds west of Mexico City.
Population and management
Researchers believe as many as 50 million monarchs migrate south each fall. To help the population, homeowners should plant flowering plants and milkweed.Learn more about
home butterfly gardens.
Fun facts
A male monarch can be distinguished from a female by the presence of a black scent gland on each hind wing.