Fishing regulations for Lake Superior and tributaries

The proposed expedited rules adjust Minnesota’s fishing regulations for Lake Superior and its tributaries.

What will this rulemaking will do?
  1. Stream trout and splake: Minnesota Rules, part 6262.0300, subp. 6, items A-C, rule changes address separate season start and end dates in rainbow trout, brook trout, splake, and brown trout rules for Lake Superior tributaries above and below posted boundaries. For brook trout and splake below barriers and all these species above barriers, this rulemaking:
    1. Changes the season opening date to the second Saturday in April rather than the Saturday nearest April 15;
    2. Brings the season close date to the same date of September 30; and
    3. Replaces “to” with “through” to describe the extent of the season, which makes clear that the season close date is included in the season.
    The brown trout and rainbow trout season will remain continuous below barriers. Based on the available population and harvest data, the proposed changes will not have a biological impact on the populations in the affected areas.
  2. Salmon: Minnesota Rules, part 6262.0300, subp. 6, item E, states only one of the five salmon allowed in possession may be an Atlantic salmon. The proposal is to remove the requirement that only one salmon in possession may be an Atlantic salmon. Minnesota’s Atlantic salmon stocking program was discontinued years ago, and the DNR is not concerned if anglers harvest Atlantic salmon. This simplification will have no impact on Lake Superior salmonid management.
  3. Boundary waters clarification: Minnesota Rules, part 6262.0300, subp. 6, states that all other species not specified in items A through H may be taken in Lake Superior as allowed by inland regulations. However, the rule does not specify that a portion of the connected waters of the St. Louis River falls under the Minnesota-Wisconsin boundary water rules. Proposed language clarifies inland rules apply for all other species, except for the in the St. Louis River downstream of the Minnesota Highway 23 bridge where Wisconsin-Minnesota boundary water rules apply.
Who might be affected by these rule changes?
  • Anglers the fish Lake Superior, the St. Louis River and other tributaries to Lake Superior.
  • Businesses that rely on anglers who fish Lake Superior and associated tributaries.
Where do I send my comments?

You have until 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 8, 2025, to submit comments to the DNR contact person listed below. Please mention Lake Superior Rules in the subject or body of your correspondence.

You may request a hearing on these rules. If at least 50 persons submit a valid request for a hearing and a sufficient number do not withdraw their requests (reducing the number below 50), then a public hearing will be held before an administrative law judge. The Notice of Intent to Adopt Expedited Rules tells you how to submit a request for hearing to the DNR contact person.

Where can I get more information?

If you want a free copy of the proposed rules, call or email the DNR contact person listed below.

DNR contact person

Bethany Bethke
Fisheries Rules and Regulations Coordinator
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
Section of Fisheries
500 Lafayette Road, St. Paul, MN 55155
[email protected]

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