The City of Houston has a proposal to use off-highway vehicle (OHV) grant-in-aid funding for an all-terrain vehicle (ATV)/off-road vehicle (ORV)/off-highway motorcycle (OHM) trail. The proposed trail, known as the Houston Trail, will provide a 7.5 mile experience in the area known as South Park within the City of Houston. The city completed a Federal Environmental Assessment (EA) in 2013 for a portion of the parkland, which reviewed allowing the new use of motorized trails within the park. In 2015, the city contracted with the US Forest Service Trails Unlimited team to design a sustainable motorized trail system. Trail maintenance will be provided by various OHV clubs and the City of Houston.
- Project description
- Project map
- Trails Unlimited report
- Federal Environmental Assessment
- EA Appendix A-Figures
- EA Appendix B-Agency Correspondence
- EA Appendix C-Summary of Public Comments
- EA Appendix D-Cultural Resources Report
- EA Appendix E-Noise Study