The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR), as the Responsible Governmental Unit for environmental review of the Roseau River Wildlife Management Area (RRWMA) Pool Enhancement project in Roseau County, Minnesota, has issued the attached Record of Decision regarding the Need for an Environmental Impact Statement for the project.The DNR has concluded that an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required because the project does not have the potential for significant environmental effects. The justification for this determination is contained in the Record of Decision. The Record of Decision also contains the Department's responses to all substantive written comments received on the Environmental Assessment Worksheet during the 30-day review and comment period.Issuing this Record of Decision concludes the State environmental review process for this project according to the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board rules, Minnesota Rules, part 4410.1000 to 4410.1700. This project can proceed to permitting and approvals.For additional information, or copies of the Record of Decision, please call 651-259-5089.
Division of Ecological and Water Resources, Box 25
Attn: Irina Woldeab
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155-4025Electronically:Send to [email protected] . “Roseau River WMA EAW” must be included in the subject line. Include your name and mailing address so that you can be added to the mailing list.By fax:Submit signed comment letters by fax to (651) 296-1811.
- Cover letter for Record of Decision
- Record of Decision (April 29, 2015)
- Attachments: comments received during the 30-day review and comment period
The proposed project:
The Roseau River Wildlife Management Area (RRWMA) is located within four miles of the Canadian border in the northwestern corner of Roseau County, MN.The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) and the Roseau River Watershed District plan to construct a new outlet channel and modify some existing water level management structures at Roseau River WMA to reduce peak flows, improve timing of outflows and use of existing storage, reduce water level fluctuations during the growing season, and provide better water level management to improve habitat conditions.Review period:
Public notice of the availability of this EAW was in the February 16, 2015 EQB Monitor. A 30-day public review and comment period was open from February 16, 2015 through March 18, 2015.Documents:
- Roseau River Wildlife Management Area (RRWMA) Pool Enhancement Project Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW)
- Roseau River Wildlife Management Area (RRWMA) Pool Enhancement Project Figures
Send comments:
Written and signed comments on the EAW were due by Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 4:30 p.m.By mail:Minnesota Department of Natural ResourcesDivision of Ecological and Water Resources, Box 25
Attn: Irina Woldeab
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155-4025Electronically:Send to [email protected] . “Roseau River WMA EAW” must be included in the subject line. Include your name and mailing address so that you can be added to the mailing list.By fax:Submit signed comment letters by fax to (651) 296-1811.