Environmental Review - Additional Resources

Environmental Review Guides

The MDNR has prepared environmental review guidance documents to maintain and/or improve habitat in Minnesota for fish and wildlife, particularly species in greatest conservation need, through greater consistency in how environmental assessments are conducted. The Environmental Review Guides were developed as resources for MDNR staff, however some of the modules are applicable to broader environmental review purposes.

Partial funding for this project was through the Minnesota State Wildlife Grants program grant T-18-T-1 in cooperation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program.

Other Resources

Environmental Quality Board (EQB)

The Minnesota Environmental Quality Board brings together the Governor's Office (as chair), five citizens, and the commissioners of nine state agencies that play a vital role in Minnesota's environment and development. The Board develops policy and creates long-range plans to influence Minnesota's environment.

The EQB writes rules for conducting environmental review, publishes the EQB Monitor, and provides guidance documents for conducting environmental review.

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