Mile Post 7 West Ridge Railroad Relocation, Dam Extension, and Stream Mitigation Project

Record of Decision on Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW)

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR), as the Responsible Governmental Unit for environmental review of the Mile Post 7 West Ridge Railroad Relocation, Dam Extensions, and Stream Mitigation Project located in Lake County, Minnesota, has issued a Record of Decision regarding the Need for an Environmental Impact Statement for the project.

The DNR has concluded that an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required because the project does not have the potential for significant environmental effects.  The justification for this determination is contained in the Record of Decision.  The Record of Decision also contains the Department’s responses to all written comments received on the Environmental Assessment Worksheet during the 30-day public review and comment period.

Issuing this Record of Decision concludes the state environmental review process for this project according to the State Environmental Review rules, Minnesota Rules part 4410.1000 to 4410.1700.  This project can proceed to permitting and approvals.

The proposed project

Northshore Mining Company has proposed to conduct certain activities and stream mitigation at its Mile Post 7 Tailings Basin. The proposed Tailings Basin Features cover approximately 339.1 acres and consists of relocating the existing railroad embankment, extending Dams 1 and 2, constructing a Dam 1 rail switchback, and excavating clay from a borrow pit for dam construction. The project also includes approximately 20,665 linear feet of stream mitigation at six separate sites.

Environmental Assessment Worksheet

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR), as the Responsible Governmental Unit (RGU) for environmental review of the Mile Post 7 West Ridge Railroad Relocation, Dam Extensions, and Stream Mitigation Project in Lake County, Minnesota, has issued an environmental Assessment worksheet (EAW) for public review and comment.

Public comment period

Public notice of the availability of this EAW for public comment is in the April 18, 2023, edition of the EQB Monitor. A 30-day public review and comment period will be open from April 18, 2023, until 4:30 p.m. May 18, 2023.

A hard copy of the EAW is available for public review at:

  • Silver Bay Public Library, 9 Davis Drive, Silver Bay, MN 55614

Send comments

Written and signed comments on the EAW must be received by 4:30 p.m. May 18, 2023. The comment period is now closed.

People who would like to receive a response that includes final documents should include their name and contact information. Because all comments and related information are part of the EAW public record, any submitted names and contact information will also be published and publicly available.

Electronic or email comments may be sent to [email protected]. Use Mile Post 7 Stream EAW in the subject line.

Extension of Record of Decision period

Pursuant to Minn. Rules 4410.1700, subp. 2a.B, DNR and Northshore Mining (proposer) have agreed to extend the Record of Decision period to November 30, 2023.  This is being done to collect lacking information necessary to determine whether the project has the potential to result in significant environmental effects.  DNR’s Record of Decision is due November 30, 2023, under the extension.

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