Decision to terminate the Mesabi Mining Environmental Impact Statement
Pursuant to Minnesota Rules part 4410.6200 subpart 5, Mesabi Mining LLC has voluntarily terminated the Mesabi Mining Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) process that began in 2008 and had a Final Scoping Decision Document issued on December 9, 2008. The project has encountered evolving regulatory criteria and project adjustments such that the DNR has determined EIS scoping would need to be redone. Discussions between DNR and the company have determined that the most logical next step is to terminate the current EIS project at this time. The company can choose to start a new EIS process for the project at a later date.
Project Information
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is the Responsible Governmental Unit (RGU) for conducting an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Mesabi Nugget Phase II Project. The EIS is being jointly conducted with the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).Mesabi Nugget is proposing to reactivate the former LTV taconite mine as well as construct a new crusher and concentrating plant near Hoyt Lakes, Minnesota. Portions of the concentrate produced will be used in an existing iron nugget demonstration plant; the remainder will be shipped to the proposer's facilities in other states or sold on the open market.The DNR and USACE have revised the Draft Scoping Decision Document based on the full scoping record and have issued the Final Scoping Decision Document and a summary of and responses to comments in preparation of an EIS. The Final Scoping Decision Document identifies the issues and analyses that will be included in the EIS for the proposed project. The documents reflect only the information that is available at this time.
Questions may be directed to Lisa Fay, EIS Project Manager, at 651-259-5110.
Final Scoping Decision
Scoping Environmental Assessment Worksheet / DSDD