Lower Knowlton Creek - Munger Trail Culvert Replacement Project

Project summary

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR), St. Louis River Restoration Initiative, proposes the Lower Knowlton/Munger Trail Culvert Replacement project located in Duluth, Minnesota. The project proposes to replace a concrete box culvert with a bridge, at the location where the Willard Munger State Trail (Munger Trail) crosses Knowlton Creek. The proposed bridge will enhance the hydrological function of Knowlton Creek and will allow for aquatic and terrestrial organism passage under the Munger Trail. An environmental assessment worksheet (EAW) is required for the project.

Record of Decision on Environmental Assessment Worksheet

The DNR, as the Responsible Governmental Unit (RGU) for environmental review of the project has issued a Record of Decision (ROD) regarding the Need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the project.

The DNR has concluded that an EIS is not required because the project does not have the potential for significant environmental effects. The justification for this determination is contained in the ROD. The ROD also contains the Department's responses to all substantive written comments received on the EAW during the 30-day public review and comment period. Public notice of the availability of EAW documents for public comment was in the December 3, 2024, edition of the EQB Monitor.

Issuing this ROD concludes the state environmental review process for this project according to the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board rules, Minnesota Rules, part 4410.1000 to 4410.1700.

ROD documents

EAW documents

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