Interstate Island Avian Habitat Restoration Project

Record of Decision on Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW)

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR), as the Responsible Governmental Unit for environmental review of the Interstate Island Avian Habitat Restoration Project in the cities of Duluth, Minnesota and Superior, Wisconsin, (St. Louis and Douglas Counties, respectively), has issued a Record of Decision regarding the Need for an Environmental Impact Statement for the project.

The DNR has concluded that an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required because the project does not have the potential for significant environmental effects. The justification for this determination is contained in the Record of Decision. The Record of Decision also contains the Department's responses to all substantive written comments received on the Environmental Assessment Worksheet during the 30-day public review and comment period.

Issuing this Record of Decision concludes the state environmental review process for this project according to the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board rules, Minnesota Rules, part 4410.1000 to 4410.1700. This project can proceed to permitting and approvals.

Environmental Assessment Worksheet

  • Cover Letter: Interstate Island Avian Habitat Restoration Project
  • EAW: Interstate Island Avian Habitat Restoration Project  
  • Figures: Interstate Island Avian Habitat Restoration Project
  • Attachments: Interstate Island Avian Habitat Restoration Project
Public notice of the availability of this EAW is in the November 25, 2019 EQB Monitor. A 30-day public review and comment period was open from November 25, 2019 until 4:30 p.m., December 26, 2019.

The proposed project

The Minnesota DNR proposes to restore and protect imperiled avian habitat on Interstate Island Wildlife Management Area (WMA). The WMA is the largest of two remaining Common Tern nesting areas in the Lake Superior watershed and is the only federally-listed critical habitat for Piping Plover in Minnesota. Recent high water levels have caused significant loss of critical habitat on the island.

Send comments

Written and signed comments on the EAW must be received by Thursday, December 26, 2019 at 4:30 p.m.

By mail

Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
Division of Ecological and Water Resources
Attn: Kate Fairman
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155-4025


Send to [email protected]. "Interstate Island" must be included in the subject line. Written comments may also be sent by fax to 651-296-1811. People who submit comments will receive a copy of the decision document, which includes responses to comments. Because all comments and related information are part of the public record for this environmental review, commenters' names and email or postal addresses will also be published and publicly available as they appear in the materials they submit.  

By fax

Submit signed comment letters by fax to 651-296-1811.


Contact Kate Fairman, 651-259-5082, [email protected].

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