Cuyuna Connection and Cuyuna Hills Trails Project

The proposed project:

Cuyuna Lakes Mountain Bike Crew proposed to construct a total of 11.40 miles of recreational trails, consisting of the Cuyuna Connection Trail Loop and the Cuyuna Hills Trail Loop. The trails are designed to be used for non-motorized recreation access including mountain biking, hiking, trail running, snowshoeing and cross-country skiing in the Cuyuna area.

Record of Decision on Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW)

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR), as the Responsible Governmental Unit for environmental review of the Cuyuna Connection and Cuyuna Hills Trails Project, located in the Crow Wing County, Minnesota, has issued the attached Record of Decision (Record) regarding the Need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the project. 

The DNR has concluded that an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required because the project does not have the potential for significant environmental effects. The justification for this determination is contained in the Record of Decision. The Record of Decision also contains the Department's responses to all substantive written comments received on the Environmental Assessment Worksheet during the 30-day public review and comment period.

Issuing this Record of Decision concludes the state environmental review process for this project according to the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board rules, Minnesota Rules, part 4410.1000 to 4410.1700. This project can proceed to permitting and approvals.

Environmental Assessment Worksheet

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR), as the Responsible Governmental Unit (RGU) for environmental review of the Cuyuna Connection and Cuyuna Hills Trail Project in Crow Wing County, Minnesota, has issued an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) for public review and comment. 

  • EAW – Cuyuna Connection and Cuyuna Hills Trail Project
  • Figures – Cuyuna Connection and Cuyuna Hills Trail Project A
  • Attachments
    • NHIS Letter
    • SHPO Response Letter
    • Terracon Phase 1A Cultural Resources Survey
    •  NLEB Township Map
    • Trail Construction Steps Illustrated

Public Comment Period

Public notice of the availability of this EAW for public comment is in the August 19, 2019 EQB Monitor. A 30-day public review and comment period will be open from August 19, 2019 until September 18, 2019 at 4:30 p.m.

A copy of the EAW is available for public review at:

  • DNR Library, 500 Lafayette Road, St. Paul, MN 55155
  • DNR Northeast Region Headquarters, 1201 East Highway 2, Grand Rapids, MN 55744
  • Hennepin County – Minneapolis Central Library, Government Documents, Second Floor, 300 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, MN  55401-1992
  • Kitchigami Regional Library, 212 Park Avenue, Pine River, MN 56474
  • Jessie F. Hallett Memorial Library, 101 1st Street SE, Crosby, MN 56641
  • Brainerd Public Library, 416 S. 5th St., Brainerd, MN 56401
Additional copies may be requested by calling 651-259-5115.

Send comments:

Written and signed comments on the EAW must be received by Wednesday, September 18, 2019 at 4:30 p.m.

People who would like to receive a response that includes final documents should include their name and contact information. Because all comments and related information are part of the EAW public record, any submitted names and contact information will also be published and publicly available.

Electronic or email comments may be sent to [email protected].
Please use “Cuyuna Connection EAW” in the subject line.

By fax to 651-296-1811.

By mail:

Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
Division of Ecological and Water Resources
Attn: Cynthia Novak-Krebs 
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155-4025


Please call 651-259-5115.

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