- 1. Know your deer permit area
- To buy a deer hunting license, you must declare the deer permit area in which you expect to hunt. If you don't know your DPA number, use the interactive deer map.
Additional tools to help
Click above for a video tutorial from our Learn to Deer Hunt webinars
- 2. Choose your hunting season(s)
Whether firearm, archery or muzzleloader hunting, there are a wide variety of opportunities available for deer hunters in Minnesota. Be aware that there is also a shotgun-only zone and a rifle zone, and the boundary is shown on the downloadable deer map.
Season Dates Archery Sept. 14 - Dec. 31 Firearm (A) - 100 Series Nov. 9-24 Firearm (A) - 200 Series Nov. 9-17 Firearm (A) - 300 Series Nov. 9-17 Firearm (B) - 300 Series Nov. 23-Dec. 1 Muzzleloader Nov. 30 - Dec. 15 Metro deer management zone (701) Nov. 9-Dec. 1 Youth - Statewide Oct. 17-20 Early antlerless Oct. 17-20 Hunt Dates Special hunts Varies Late CWD season Dec. 20-22 2025-2029 deer seasons Current harvest Register your deer - 3. Know the regulations
- Whether you can shoot a doe or a buck and how many deer you can harvest can change from year to year in any permit area. Know the regulations for your DPA and understand how harvested deer must be handled and transported to help prevent the potential spread of disease.
- Deer hunting regulations:
- Important: You must tag and register your deer online or use another method.
- Harvesting, transporting and importing deer and other cervids.
- Find deer seasons questions and answers.
Click above for a video tutorial from our Learn to Deer Hunt webinars
Individual elk have been observed this fall in Clay, Norman, Polk, Clearwater, Stearns, Meeker, Watonwan, Nobles and Brown counties. Know the difference so you don't mistakenly shoot one.
- 4. Prepare for chronic wasting disease sampling
- Your permit area is in a CWD control zone, which means that this permit area borders a management zone where CWD in wild deer persists or a slight spread has been documented. This buffer helps prevent further disease spread. In control zones, you are required to get your deer sampled for CWD during the opening weekend of the firearms A season (Nov. 5-6). Carcass movement restrictions are in place, which means that deer harvested in any season cannot be moved out of a management zone until a "not-detected" test result is received.
CWD sampling options available for deer harvested Nov. 5-6
- Staffed sampling stations available Nov. 5-7
- Self-service sampling stations available during firearms season only within CWD zones*
- Taxidermists and processors participating in the partner sampling program
- Mail-in kits (while supplies last)
What to expect
- Deer must be registered before sampling.
- Hunters who harvest a deer either Saturday, Nov. 5 or Sunday, Nov. 6 in DPAs requiring mandatory sampling must have any adult deer (1 year or older) sampled.
- Hunters will need their Public Land Survey (PLS) number at staffed and self-service sampling stations so the township, range and section of your harvest can be recorded. Zoom completely in to your harvest location on recreation compass and click. Write down the PLS number that appears in the popup box.
Other regulations
There are a variety of other special regulations in management zones that affect how many deer you can harvest, what permits you can use and whether you can use deer attractants for hunting. Please review the control zone page for these important details. - 5. Buy your license
- Hunters can purchase a firearms, muzzleloader and archery deer license (no more than one of each per calendar year). Bonus, early antlerless season and disease management permits may be purchased in addition to regular licenses. Bonus permits may be purchased throughout the season, but must be in possession when taking deer. Regular licenses and bonus permits may be used in any order. Although a deer hunting license can be used throughout the state, you must declare the DPA in which you intend to hunt. Once purchased, you can hunt in any DPA and do not need to update your initial declaration of location.
- 6. Get ready
- Scout for hunting so you know how you'll access your hunting spots, and gain understanding of how the deer might be using the area.
- Practice shooting.
- Prepare your hunting and safety equipment, including tree stands, safety harnesses, safety ropes and other safety-related items.
- Get permission well ahead of the season if hunting on private land.
- If you're new to hunting or want to brush up on your skills, check out the DNR learn to hunt guides.
Click above for a video tutorial from our Learn to Deer Hunt webinars
- 7. Plan how to process your deer
- You cannot take the carcass out of this permit area or immediately adjacent areas designated as CWD management zones until you receive a "not detected" test result.
Make plans to process your deer. If you use a processor, find one before your hunt that is willing to take your deer to ensure your field-dressed deer will be accepted. If you can't find a processor, quartering or boning your own deer will allow you to take the meat home before receiving a test result. The main leg bone can remain in each quarter. It may be difficult to find a processer willing to take your deer so contact the processor you plan to use before your hunt to ensure your field-dressed deer will be accepted. If you can't find a processor, quartering or boning your own deer will allow you to take the meat home before receiving a test result. The main leg bone can remain in each quarter. The following parts of deer may leave a CWD control zone before a "not detected" test result is confirmed:
- Quarters or other portions of meat with no part of the spinal column or head attached;
- Meat that is boned out or that is cut and wrapped (either commercially or privately);
- Hides and teeth; and
- Antlers or clean (no brain tissue attached) skull plates with antlers attached.
- 8. Be safe
Always know your target and what's beyond before you aim.
- Practice firearms safety.
- Know tree stand safety.
- Wear blaze clothing.
- Follow safe OHV and ATV tips.
- Report suspicious activity.
- 9. Make the most of your hunt
Have fun, make memories and do your part to keep Minnesota's deer hunting tradition strong.
- Take a friend hunting! The DNR has partnered with Pheasants Forever to help promote their Hunter Mentor Challenge in Minnesota and encourage experienced hunters to take a new or lapsed hunter into the field.
- Brush up on your skills or help someone new learn to deer hunt.
- Log your deer sightings. The DNR uses this information about deer populations and populations of other wildlife to compare what hunters see to population estimates used for wildlife management.
- Share your deer camp and deer hunting photos with us so we can share them back with all of you. Plan to post to social media? Tag us!