Report a bear sighting

Minnesota’s black bear range has been slowly expanding southward and westward. We are trying to better document this expansion and need your help.

If you see a black bear outside of its primary range (primary range is shown in black on the map), please report the information in the form below.

The DNR will not respond to nuisance complaints submitted through this form. Please call your local Wildlife Manager or Conservation Officer if you require assistance with a nuisance bear. No contact information is collected via the form. 

We appreciate your assistance in this effort to better understand the expansion of bears in Minnesota. We are only interested in sightings in the green area of the map.

The DNR will turn off the public viewing portion of the map for the duration of bear baiting and the hunting season (mid-August through mid-October). Sighting submissions during this period are still encouraged using the form below. These records will be stored, but will not display publicly after being entered until the completion of the bear hunting season.

Enter a Bear Sighting

MNDNR's general data collection policies and disclaimers

Use the interactive map below to view bear sightings outside the primary range

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