CPL Grants - How to Apply

  1. Contact CPL Staff at any point in the application process if you have questions or need assistance. 
  2. Use the CPL grant cycle comparison chart to determine which grant cycle best fits your project.
  3. Read through the CPL Request for Proposals (RFP) for complete program information and requirements.
  4. Review the CPL Payment Manual for information on the reimbursement process and documentation that will be required.
  5. Read through the information in the Application Supporting Documents and Information section at the bottom of this page as it applies to your project and activities (Restoration, Enhancement or Acquisition).
  6. Meet with the Land Manager or Easement Holder responsible for the land on which your project will take place. This person will need to complete the Land Manager Review and Approval Form (required for all projects at time of application submission).
  7. If your project will take place in a public water, you must also have the DNR Area Hydrologist complete the Public Waters Project Form .
  8. Use the Project Planning Form as a tool to begin compiling information before the application system opens.
  9. Complete a Natural Heritage Information System (NHIS) review. If you would like CPL staff to conduct this review for you, please send a detailed map of your project boundaries along with an address, GPS coordinates or shapefile of the project’s location to [email protected].
  10. Check out the CPL Frequently Asked Questions    Apply now!

All applications must be completed using the online application system (Traditional, Metro, and ECP). Click here to sign up for the CPL listserv to receive an email when information is available.

Application supporting documents and information

Applicant Forms

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