Sustainable Forest Incentive Act (SFIA)

Landowner showing oak regeneration

The Sustainable Forest Incentive Act (SFIA) provides annual incentive payments to encourage private landowners to keep their wooded areas undeveloped.

Private landowners can receive a payment for each acre of qualifying forest land they enroll in SFIA. In return, enrollees agree not to develop their land and to follow an active woodland management plan for a minimum of either 8, 20, or 50 years, depending on the covenant set with the parcel.

SFIA is jointly administered by the Department of Revenue and the DNR Division of Forestry. The DNR handles registering woodland stewardship plan and determining land eligibility. Contact the Department of Revenue at [email protected] for questions on SFIA applications, payments, penalties, and covenants.

Learn about:

Visit the Department of Revenue to start an SFIA application or for information on:

  • Applying for SFIA
  • Payments and penalties
  • Covenants
  • Selling or transferring land in SFIA

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