SFRMPs, along with 10-year stand exam lists, are operational plans for achieving the DNR’s strategic direction for forest resource management. They guide forest management activities on DNR-administered lands within each forested ecological Section in Minnesota as the 10-year stand exam list is implemented.The AP SFRMP outlines the natural resource issues, planning process, management goals and directions, and implementation strategies for state-administered forest lands in the AP Section. Within the Section, the SFRMP also identifies management opportunity areas, such as ruffed grouse management areas and old forest management complexes around old growth stands.

Plan Status
The DNR is currently developing the Aspen Parklands Section Forest Resource Management Plan (AP SFRMP).The comment period for the plan was completed in October of 2023, and the plan is currently in review within the DNR. Once approved, the final plan documents will be available on this page.Aspen Parklands Section Information
The Aspen Parklands (AP) Ecological section covers approximately 2.9 million acres from an area near Gully to Roseau and from Lancaster to Crookston. It includes about 95,000 acres of state-managed forest land and about 250,000 additional non-forested acres in the plan.The basin of Glacial Lake Agassiz defines the Aspen Parklands Section. The forest ecosystems within this ecological Section include aspen savanna and floodplain forests along rivers and streams. Defining or unique features of this part of the state include:- Vegetation patterns that comprise a complex mosaic of prairies, brushland, woodlands with forests on uplands, and wet prairies, meadows, fens, and wet forests in wetlands.
- Quaking aspen, balsam poplar, and shrubs dominating the western part of the Section, where low dunes, beach ridges, and wet swales have historically decreased fire frequency and intensity.
- Relatively large, contiguous remnants of native plant communities in a landscape predominantly used for agriculture.
- A major migratory stopover and breeding area for waterfowl.
- Numerous Species in Greatest Conservation Need, including gray wolves, sharp-tailed grouse, eared grebes, northern harriers, marbled godwits, American bitterns, Franklin’s gulls, Assiniboia skipper, and moose, are found within the area.