Past and present directors

photo: Division of Forestry Director William T. Cox 1911-1924

William T. Cox 1911-1924

photo: Division of Forestry Director Grover M. Conzet, 1924-1937

Grover M. Conzet 1924-1937

photo: Division of Forestry Director Ellery Foester, 1937-1939

Ellery Foster 1937-1939

photo: Division of Forestry Director Henry G. Weber 1939-1948

Henry G. Weber 1939-1948

photo: Division of Forestry Director Clarence Prout, 148-1954 and 1963-1965

Clarence Prout 1948-1954 and 1963-1965

photo:Division of Forestry Director Edward L.Lawson

Edward L. Lawson 1954-1963

photo: Division of Forestry Director Earl J. Adams, 1965-1967 and 1973-1979

Earl J. Adams 1965-1967 and 1973-1979

photo:Division of Forestry Director Clarence B. Buckman, 1967-1969

Clarence B. Buckman 1967-1969

photo:Division of Forestry DirectorWilliam Aultfather

William A. Aultfather 1969-1973

photo: Division of Forestry Director Rodney W. Sando, 1979-1987

Rodney W. Sando 1979-1979

photo:Division of Forestry Director Raymond B. Hitchcock, 1979-1987

Raymond B. Hitchcock 1979-1987

photo: Division of Forestry Director Gerald A. Rose, 1987-2001

Gerald A. Rose 1987-2001

photo: Division of Forestry Director Michael R. Carroll, 2001-2005

Michael R. Carroll 2001-2005

photo: David Epperly, Division of Forestry Director

David J. Epperly 2005-2012

photo: Forrest Boe, Division of Forestry Director, 2012- present

Forrest Boe 2012-2022

photo: Patty Thielen Division of Forestry Director

Patty Thielen 2022-present

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