Trees help humans and other living things in many ways. Among them, they:
remove carbon dioxide (a greenhouse gas) and other pollutants from the air
- produce oxygen
- provide food and shelter for wildlife
- provide wood products
- add beauty to the landscape
- provide a pleasant environment for recreation
- help reduce residential energy consumption by shading homes in summer and sheltering them from wind in winter
- help protect streams and lakes by reducing runoff
- reduce noise pollution by absorbing sound
- increase property values.
Research has shown that trees can provide up to $7 in benefits each year for every $1 invested in caring for them. Benefits include increased property values, pollution control, and energy savings.
Keep Trees a Healthy Part of Your World!
- Plant trees. Make sure they are right for the site.
- Help keep trees healthy. For example: Water trees during dry periods; avoid wounding bark with lawn mowers and weed whips; stake small-diameter, newly planted trees to give them added support; mulch trees to help retain moisture in the soil.
- Celebrate Arbor Day and Arbor Month. In Minnesota, Arbor Day is the last Friday in April, and May is Arbor Month.
- Join—or establish—a local tree committee or board.
- Go to DNR's tree planting and care, website for information on trees and tree care