Commercial frog licenses

A commercial frog license is required to sell any MN DNR regulated frogs for purposes other than bait. A permit issued by the MN DNR is required to import any live frogs. Licenses or permits are not required for frogs or toads that are not listed.

Frogs the DNR regulates

Common NameScientific Name
northern cricket frogAcris crepitans
Cope's gray tree frogHyla chrysoscelis
gray tree frogHyla versicolor
spring peeperPseudacris crucifer
Western chorus/Boreal chorus frogPseudacris triseriata
bullfrogRana catesbeiana
green frogRana clamitans
pickerel frogRana palustris
northern leopard frogRana pipiens
mink frogRana septentrionalis 
wood frogRana sylvatica
American toadBufo americanus
great plains toadBufo cognatus
Canadian toadBufo hemiophrys
plains leopard frogRana blain
southern leopard frogRana utricularia
pig frogRana grylio
river frogRana becksheri

Open season

The open season for frogs is May 16 to March 31.

Angling License Required

A person may not take or possess frogs without an angling license if the person is required to have an angling license to fish. A person may possess frogs up to six inches long, without limit if the frogs are possessed, bought, sold, or transported for bait.

Frogs used for purposes other than bait

A permit is required to purchase, possess, transport, sell or take frogs for purposes other than bait. Frogs must be longer than six inches when taken or possessed for purposes other than bait. All licensees are required to keep records on forms provided by the MN DNR. There is no limit on the number of frogs that can be possessed up to six inches long for bait or over six inches long with a permit.


  • $220/yr: License to purchase, possess, and transport frogs
  • $35: License to take, possess, transport, and sell frogs
  • Variable: Angling License  
Request an Application

Click here to request a license application

Questions? Contact us!

Sean Sisler, fisheries program consultant

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