
Land area: 79,610.08 sq. mi.

Water area: 7,328.79 sq. mi.

Total area: 86,938.87 sq. mi.

State length: 406 miles

State width: 348 miles

Lowest point: Lake Superior shore - 602 ft.

Highest point: Eagle Mountain, Cook County - 2301 ft.

Average mean altitude: 1200 ft.

Largest County: St. Louis - 6,125 sq. mi.

Smallest County: Ramsey - 154 sq. mi.

State-Owned Lands Managed by the DNR

as of May 2022

DNR Management ProgramApprox. Acres Managed
State Forests3,169,600
Wildlife Management Areas1,270,700
Other Areas Managed for Forestry703,600
State Parks and Recreation Areas239,700
Scientific & Natural Areas186,000
Aquatic and Fish Management Areas31,700
State Trails11,800
Other Areas Managed for Wildlife11,800
Building Sites and Undesignated Lands11,100
Mineral Lands3,700
Water Access Sites3,100
Wild and Scenic Rivers1,500
Water Management Areas (Dams)800
Water Trails700
Wetland Bank Projects300
Total DNR managed acres5,646,100
Source: DNR Land Records Database

The DNR also administers state mineral rights underlying approximately 13.5 million acres. DNR has administrative responsibility to manage trust lands (in FY21 a total of $22.8 million was deposited in the Permanent School Fund), and to make PILT (Payments in Lieu of Taxes) payments to the counties, which totaled about $36.0 million for 2020 (payable in 2021).

(Updated May 2022)

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