Weekly CO report

District 6 - Two Harbors area

Last updated: 2024-07-15

CO Sean Williams (Ely 1) reports: hot weather continued over the week and fishing and boating activity spiked as people flocked to local lakes. Fishing reports were overall good as water temperatures increased in the summer heat. Violations included: taking trout with no stamp, no PFDs on board a watercraft, and taking fish with no license in possession.

CO Brent Ihnen (Ely) patrolled this week for fishing and boating activity. Officer Ihnen also checked ATV/OHM riders.

CO Thomas Wahlstrom (Grand Marais) worked anglers, boaters and responded to complaints in the area. The officer assisted the county and patrolled ATV trails. Enforcement action was taken for watercraft and ATV violations.

CO Hudson Ledeen (Grand Marais 2) spent the week patrolling angling and ATV activities. Water temps on Lake Superior are starting to improve and anglers are feeling optimistic about the fish moving into the area. Equipment maintenance was performed.

CO Anthony Bermel (Babbitt) spent time patrolling station lakes and continued to deal with two people occupying public forest land, with citations issued for camping more than 14 consecutive days. A nuisance beaver permit was issued, and time was spent planning for disposal of an abandoned boat.

CO Don Murray (Two Harbors) worked ATV and boating activity during the week. Warm weather brought out a high number of watercraft users to area lakes. Canoeists and kayakers are reminded that PFDs are required on all watercraft regardless of how far out in the lake you intend to go. Enforcement action was taken for ATV operation in closed areas.

Silver Bay vacant.

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