Weekly CO report
District 1 - Baudette area
Last updated: 2025-03-24CO Ben Huener (Roseau) helped instruct at the waterfowl enforcement school, which was held at Whitewater State Park and attended by graduated of the previous CO Academy. The training is held in the spring at this location to show the cadets thousands of migrating waterfowl in full breeding plumage. Huener also checked anglers on Lake of the Woods and the Rainy River. A nuisance-bear complaint was taken in the Greenbush area.
CO Tony Hams (Warroad North) spent the week checking area anglers and following up with various complaints. Violations encountered were burning prohibited materials (fish house and furniture), angling with extra lines, possession of fillets on the ice, and unattended lines.
CO Coby Fontes (Warroad South) spent the week patrolling area woods and waters. Fontes assisted local agencies with a crash, investigated a report of a dead bald eagle, and conducted follow up on open cases. Formal charges were filed against multiple people for crimes pertaining to taking a gross overlimit of pine marten during the December trapping season.
CO Paul Kennedy (Baudette East) attended waterfowl school in southeastern Minnesota earlier in the week. He also checked anglers, with several reporting little success as the week went on. Anglers are eager to hit nearby rivers as they start opening. Enforcement action for the week included no shelter license, angling with extra lines, use of unlawful bait, and no license in possession.
CO Sarah Jahn (Thief River Falls East) spent time working on big-game cases. A presentation was given at the University of Minnesota Crookston for a law enforcement class, as well as for the Kittson County 4H for an outdoor exploration day. Assistance was given to Pennington County on a rolling domestic.
CO Jeremy Woinarowicz (Thief River Falls West) received his first nuisance-bear complaints of the season. Homeowners are reminded that eliminating outdoor food sources will greatly reduce nuisance-bear incidents. He also conducted commercial taxidermist inspections with CO Bruesewitz.
CO Nick Bruesewitz (Karlstad) spent the week following up on big-game violations that occurred during the 2024 firearms deer season. Time was also spent assisting other agencies with calls for service.
CO Brianna Shaw (Blackduck South) spent the week patrolling for angling and recreational vehicle activity. Additional time was spent undergoing waterfowl enforcement training.
CO Nicholas Prachar (Baudette West) reports significant late-season fishing activity. Enforcement action was taken for angling with extra lines and using/possessing illegal frozen bait.