Return to Conservation Biology Research on ReptilesDahl, L. 1996. Wood turtle (Clemmys insculpta) survey on the XXXXXX - 1996 report. Report submitted to the Nongame Wildlife Program, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. 12 pp.
Please note that all location information has been removed from this document to protect the wood turtle populations
The XXXXXX, Minnesota was surveyed for Wood Turtles (Clemmys insculpta) during May and June of 1996. This survey was a follow up of two conducted in 1994 and 1995 for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Nongame Program. The two previous studies indicated the Wood Turtle population on the XXXXXX may be in serious trouble.During the 1996 survey period only one Wood Turtle was located with an input of 100 field hours. The results were similar to those of Oldfield (1994, 1995).A study by Ewert (1985) estimated a population of 44 Wood Turtles on the XXXXXX in 1969, and Oldfield found six Wood Turtles with an investment of 23 hours of field work in 1988. Taken together, these surveys indicate a decline in the Wood Turtle population in the XXXXXX since the earlier surveys conducted by Ewert and Oldfield.Full Document (766 KB)The goals of this survey were to:
- Locate nesting sites
- Map areas of potential and active nest sites
- Survey and monitor XXXXXX
- Prepare final report, including maps and data
Please note that all location information has been removed from this document to protect the wood turtle populations