Return to Conservation Biology Research on MusselsCeas, P. 2001. Collection and translocation of mussels from two township bridge reconstruction corridors in Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Final report submitted to the Natural Heritage and Nongame Research Program, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. 12 pp.
This report contains the results of a project designed to collect and translocate unionid mussels in the Otter Tail River at two township bridge reconstruction corridors in Otter Tail County, Minnesota. The goal of this project was to collect all live unionid mussels within the construction footprint of each bridge site, and safely translocate the specimens upstream and out of harm from the construction activities. The work was conducted by Dr. Patrick A. Ceas (independent contractor), and Rick and Sharon Wicklund (Otter Tail County rescue divers). The construction footprint at each site is estimated to cover 150 feet, or extend from approximately 75 feet downstream to 75 feet upstream of the centerline of the existing bridges (Rick West, pers. comm.). Given that some downstream siltation and sedimentation is inevitable (even while using current BMP's), and that this siltation could adversely affect the local mussel community, the decision was made to extend the downstream collection zones beyond the 75' footprint. After consulting with Rick West (Otter Tail County Dept. of Highways) and Bonita Eliason (Supervisor, MN DNR Natural Heritage and Nongame Research Program), and reconnoitering the project corridors, it was decided that the downstream collection zones would extend 300 feet downstream of the existing centerline of each bridge. The upstream collection zones extended 100 feet from the bridge centerlines.-This report is currently unavailable for download-