The annual Biodiversity Highlights is hosted by the Minnesota Biological Survey (MBS), Nongame Wildlife Program (NW), Scientific and Natural Areas Program (SNA), Conservation Management and Rare Resources Unit (CMRR), and Invasive Species Program (IP) at the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. The purpose of these presentations is for these programs to highlight new biodiversity information from the past year or so that is relevant to natural resource professionals working to conserve, manage and better understand biodiversity in Minnesota. Speakers will present on new plant and animal discoveries, monitoring and research outcomes, management and protection accomplishments, community science initiatives, policy updates and emerging threats facing biodiversity. This year there are 3 online events, each about 3 hours in length with about 10 speakers for each session.
See links below for each day’s agenda (agendas are subject to change, check back the day-of for the final agenda).
- Agenda 1 of 3: Feb. 5th 12:30-3pm CST. Agenda.
- Agenda 2 of 3: Feb. 11th, 9am-12:30pm CST. Agenda.
- Agenda 3 of 3: Feb. 25th, 9am-12:30pm CST. See below.
Join February 25th Presentation
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More info
Start Time (~) | Length (minutes) | Speaker | Position | Program | Title of Talk |
9:00am | 10 | TBD | Intro/Overview of Programs | ||
10 | Holly Bernardo | MBS Plant Survey Supervisor | MBS | MBS Plants 10-year Sustainable Survey Framework | |
15 | Derek Anderson | Botanist/Plant Ecologist | MBS | Rare Plants and Native Plant Communities of the Fertile Dunes | |
15 | Michael Lee | Botanist/Plant Ecologist | MBS | MBS Botanical Highlights | |
10 | Otto Gockman, John Thayer | Lichen Survey Contractors | MBS | MBS Lichen Survey Highlights | |
10 | BREAK | ||||
20 | Dustin Graham | Plant Ecologist/Botanist | MBS | Smooth Brome Study | |
10 | Megan Benage | Regional Ecologist | CMRR | The New World of Rare Natural Communities | |
20 | Bridget Henning-Randa | Endangered Species Consultant | CMRR | Update on the Minnesota Species Conservation Status Assessment Project | |
Daren Carlson | Ecologist/GIS Analyst | NW | |||
11:05 | ADJOURN |