International Falls. Eagles are commonly sighted on lakes within the park. Take a guided boat tour or ask at the visitors center for directions. Phone: 218-283-9821 (park office), 218-286-5258 (Rainy Lake Visitors Center), 218-875-2111 (Kabetogama Visitors Center).2. Bear Head Lake State Park
Near Ely. Eagles can be seen from many vantage points on the various lakes in this park. Contact the park office for more information. Phone: 218-365-4253.3. Superior National Forest
and Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness Grand Marais, Minnesota. Home to numerous pairs of nesting bald eagles. While canoeing and fishing, be alert for eagles flying or perched along the lake shores. Do not approach active nests, but watch with binoculars from a safe distance.4. Chippewa National Forest
Cass Lake, Minnesota. Eagles are best seen around some of the larger lakes in Chippewa National Forest District Ranger stations in Black Duck, Cass Lake, Deer River, Marcell or Walker for more information: 218-335-8600.5. Trout Lake
Coleraine, Minnesota. About 6 miles northeast of Grand Rapids. The best viewing is from a boat on the lake (2 public accesses in Coleraine, and one on the east side off Co. Rd. 10). Three nests have been found here. One is on the southwest end of the lake. The two nests on the east shore are in the middle and north end of the lake.6. Tamarac National Wildlife Refuge
Rochert, Minnesota. There are 17 documented eagle nests in the Tamarac NWR. It is an excellent area for viewing eagles during the nesting season. Stop at the visitor center for current information and directions. Phone 218-847-2641.7. Cross Lake
Cross Lake, Minnesota. The nest can be seen from the road along County Highway 6, 2.5 miles north of Cross Lake. The nest is about 150 yards north of the Ox Lake Tavern on the west shore of Ox Lake. The large stick nest is on the west side of the highway. Be sure to stay back at least 75 yards from the nest.8. Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge
Zimmerman, Minnesota. In 1983, the Sherburne NWR had the first successful nesting of bald eagles in central Minnesota in over 30 years. There are now two pairs of eagles nesting in the area. Ask at the headquarters for the best eagle viewing areas. Phone 763-389-3323.9.Lac qui Parle Wildlife Management Area
Milan, Minnesota. The southwestern-most bald eagle nest site in Minnesota is in the Lac qui Parle WMA on an island in Lac qui Parle Lake. Eagles can best be seen from areas on the lake as well. Phone 320-734-4451.10. St. Croix National Scenic Riverway
St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin. Boaters should watch for eagles, particularly between Taylor's Falls and Stillwater. Ask state park or National Park Service personnel for more information. In winter, watch for eagles along the waterfront in Prescott, Wisconsin where the St. Croix meets the Mississippi River.11. National Eagle Center
Wabasha, Minnesota. The National Eagle Center is a world-class interpretive center located on the banks of the Mississippi River in Wabasha, MN. The center is home to five rescued eagles, four bald eagles and one golden eagle. During a visit to the National Eagle Center, you can experience these magnificent creatures up close. Phone 651-565-4989.