- Keystone Woods WMA
This developing 1,820-acre wildlife management area in Washington County is open to hunting in 2024.
Hunters must use nontoxic ammunition and firearm discharge is not allowed in seven areas near residences.
Keystone Woods contains a variety of landscapes, including woods, wetlands, prairie, grasslands and several small lakes. It is part of the larger Carnelian Creek habitat corridor, which links to the St. Croix River.
- About us
Hunters, trappers and wildlife watchers in Anoka, Washington, Ramsey and Hennepin Counties benefit from the management, habitat and oversight work of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources' North Metro area wildlife staff.
Three full-time staff and an office administrator manage 11 state wildlife management areas totaling 4,600 acres.
This is a busy work area. More than 2 million people live in these urban and suburban counties, and that means hundreds of telephone phone calls, e-mails and information requests from people who have hunting, habitat, nuisance animal and injured animal questions and concerns.
- Our work
- Managing four shallow lakes totaling 900 acres, two fish barriers and 80 acres of wild rice.
- Maintaining 23 native grass plantings totaling 475 acres and conducting prescribed burning on these lands in a three to five year rotation.
- Recently completed three WMA acquisitions resulting in an additional 149 acres of protected land open to public hunting and recreation, plus working on two more WMA acquisitions and reviewing four others for potential funding.
- Partnering with local soil and water conservation districts on obtaining Conservation Partners Legacy grants for 27 acres of buckthorn removal at Bayport WMA and partnered with Pheasants Forever on a tree removal and prescribed fire project to restore 21 acres of prairie at Hardwood Creek WMA.
- Coordinating the issuance of 31 Canada goose permits resulting in removal of over 1,150 geese and an additional 106 nests and 496 eggs.
- Coordinating the issuance of 17 special deer removal permits and removal of 750 deer to address property damage and public safety.