Where is the best place to fish trout in the Whitewater area?The trout fishing is good to excellent in all designated trout waters in the area. We do not like to recommend specific locations as it tends to overcrowd these areas. We suggest you obtain a copy of the booklet "Trout Angling Opportunities in Southern Minnesota" and set off on your own to discover the diverse trout angling opportunities that await you. Where is the best place to fish in Whitewater State Park?We suggest that beginners fish upstream of Trout Run Creek and that experts fish downstream of Trout Run Creek. When you fish in Whitewater Park is probably more important than where you fish. The park can have a lot of human activity at times so it is important to find a quiet spot. On weekends we would suggest that you fish an hour before sunrise till around 8:00AM. By that time campers will be up and active. On weekdays however, you can find quiet spots in the group camp area, in the picnic area, behind the swimming pool and up Trout Run.Are there any brook trout in the Whitewater area?Yes. There are natural populations in Trout Valley Creek and Trout Run, and also in a number of tributaries to the Whitewater.I was going to go trout fishing, but the stream was muddy. Can you catch trout in muddy water?Yes, if the current is not too swift. Some anglers have their best luck in waters that are just starting to get cloudy or are just starting to clear up. Some anglers like to fish for "the big ones" in muddy water. Generally, you will catch fewer fish in muddy waters but you may catch some larger sized fish.How is my trout stamp money spent?Habitat improvement, stream easements and trout/salmon hatcheries.I heard that the rainbow trout you stock migrate to the Mississippi River. Is that true?Rarely. However, all species of stream trout may swim upstream or downstream seeking suitable habitat. Stocked rainbow trout disappear from the streams more quickly than brown trout mainly because they are more vulnerable to angling pressure.I saw a group working along the stream banks putting in logs and wooden crib structures. What are they doing and why? They are doing stream habitat improvement. It provides homes for larger-sized trout and helps to stabilize stream banks.Why do you sample stream trout populations with electro-fishing gear?Because it is the most effective means to gather census information on fish in these areas. Nets are not as effective on trout.Where do trout go during floods or high-water events? Are they washed downstream?During bank-high water events, adult-sized fish are affected very little, but young-of-the-year trout may be adversely affected. Catastrophic floods are more likely to impact fish populations but the effects on habitat are more critical. During an occurrence of high flood waters, trout will seek out cleaner and less turbulent water, up or downstream. They may even end up in a spring or be stranded in a puddle.I saw a lamprey. Do they kill trout?No, brook lampreys are the most common lamprey in the Whitewater streams. They are native, non-parasitic filter feeders which actually help to clean up the streams. They are the good guys. Do not confuse them with the destructive sea lamprey in Lake Superior. You may also see some 2"- 5" sculpin in the shallow rocky areas of the stream. Sculpin look like a pre-historic bullhead and like to hide in the rocks. Sculpin are native to Whitewater and are an important food source for large brown trout.Are there any other fishing opportunities in the Whitewater besides trout fishing?Yes. There is good angling for cool and warm water species in the Mississippi River and the Weaver Bottoms located at the junction of State Highway 74 and US Highway 61. There are also some coolwater species that frequent the lower end of the Main Branch Whitewater and in some of the pools managed for wildlife in the Whitewater Wildlife Management Area.