Minnesota Conservation Volunteer
Audio Edition Information

Like many Minnesota Conservation Volunteer readers, Ben Haller is delighted when a new issue comes in the mail. Unlike most readers, he doesn't thumb through to look at the striking photographs first. In fact, he doesn't look at the pictures at all. Blinded by macular degeneration, the retired Duluth carpenter and cabinetmaker listens to his Conservation Volunteer -- "every issue and every word".

  • Minnesota Braille and Talking Book Library staff and volunteer narrators have been making audiocassette recordings of the Minnesota Conservation Volunteer since 1995.
  • The Faribault Lions Club, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and Eagles Club donated a soundproof booth and recording equipment to make professional-quality recordings possible.
If you know someone who is unable to hold, handle, or see well enough to read Minnesota Conservation Volunteer in print, contact the library at 800-722-0550 or mn.btbl@state.mn.us for information about this service.

Minnesota Conservation Volunteer is a donor-supported magazine advocating conservation and careful use of Minnesota's natural resources.

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