About the Minnesota Research Reader
The Minnesota Research Reader is an exciting collaboration between the Minnesota DNR and the USDA Forest Service. This periodic digest highlights research topics relevant to science and resource management in the State of Minnesota with the intention of promoting a strong culture of science in our agencies by making current research more available to busy land and resource managers. The 'Reader' is intended to provide a quick look at some of the emerging research relevant to our work in the State of Minnesota. The project team includes a diverse interdisciplinary advisory board that determines the content of the publication and works together to increase knowledge exchange across agencies and ownership boundaries. Each issue will typically be thematic, highlighting four articles and when possible, will spotlight priority projects and initiatives of each agency as a way to increase collaboration and knowledge exchange. The ‘Reader’ targets a quarterly distribution, however is flexible based on research content and the availability of our dedicated editorial review board.
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How can I access the articles?
The Minnesota Research Reader highlights four scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles in each issue. The editorial review board strives to include open-source articles when possible, however sometimes that is not possible depending on the journal article or author’s preference.
- Click the link of the article to see if it is open source
- Use Google Scholar (or other online search database) and see if article PDF is available through a variety of other websites
- Email the author of article and request access for a copy or direct link to the publication
- December 2024: Volume 16 – Climate Change and Forest Management in the Winter
- September 2024: Volume 15 – Flooding and Extreme Precipitation
- July 2024: Volume 14 – Outdoor Recreation
- December 2023: Volume 13 – Deer Herbivory
- September 2023: Volume 12 – Aquatic Ecology
- April 2023: Volume 11 – Forest Health and Invasive Pests
- November 2022: Volume 10 – Wildlife Habitat Management
- July 2022: Volume 9 – Nature and Public Health
- April 2022: Volume 8 – Ecological Implications of Fire
- November 2021: Volume 7 – Ecological Restoration
- March 2021: Volume 6 – Assisted Migration
- November 2020: Volume 5 – Traditional Ecological Knowledge
- August 2020: Volume 4 – Racial Equity and Environmental Justice
- April 2020: Volume 3 – Water Resources
- January 2020: Volume 2 – Winter Recreation
- October 2019: Volume 1 – Inaugural Issue
Interdisciplinary Editorial Review Board
MN Department of Natural Resources
- Pooja Kanwar (Ecological and Water Resources) Water Policy, Project Manager
- Greg Husak (Communications and Planning), Communications Information Officer
- Meghan Kelly (Lands and Minerals), Research Scientist
- Amanda Kueper (Forestry), Applied Science Coordinator
- Darin Newman (Parks and Trails), Principal Planner
- Gina Quiram (Ecological and Water Resources), Division Strategic Planner
- Jeff Reed (Fish and Wildlife), Fisheries Research Scientist
- Tracy Waterman (Information Technology), Senior Librarian
USDA Forest Service
- Andrea Brandon (Northern Research Station), Science Delivery Specialist, Project Manager
- Scott Culbert (Superior National Forest), Forest Ecologist
- Katie Frerker (Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science), Climate Adaptation Specialist
- Cindy Heyd (Chippewa National Forest), Ecologist
- Christine Kolinski (Superior National Forest), Public Affairs Specialist
- Ryan Toot (Forest Service Northeastern Area), Watershed Forestry Specialist
- Joy Vandrie (Superior National Forest), Public Affairs Officer

Call 651-296-6157 or 888-MINNDNR (646-6367)
Email us: [email protected]

U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service
Call: 218-626-4393
Email: [email protected]