Enhancing fisheries and fishing infrastructure

Critical needs at fish hatcheries and shore fishing locations highlighted during media tour (June 2024)

Commissioner Strommen gave partners and the media a tour of the aging Crystal Springs Hatchery in Winona County to show how essential Get Out MORE funding is to maintain and create opportunities for anglers today and in the future. After the hatchery tour, guests participated in a “Fish with the Commish” event, casting for trout in the Whitewater River in Whitewater State Park.

Get Out MORE funding includes critical fixes at hatcheries, streams : Jun 11, 2024 | News release | Minnesota DNR (state.mn.us)

Infrastructure needs at the state’s largest cool-water hatchery highlighted for the public and media (April 2024)

Ahead of the 2024 spring fishing opener, the Waterville State Fish Hatchery opened its doors to the public so they could learn about the importance of the Get Out MORE investments in constructing a new hatchery there.

Public invited to tour Waterville State Fish Hatchery : Apr 18, 2024 | News release | Minnesota DNR

Get Out MORE-funded fisheries and infrastructure improvements announced (January 2024)

These projects move Minnesota toward a state-of-the-art fish hatchery system with biosecure water supplies, increased fish production, and improved staff safety. Get Out MORE investments will also enhance shore fishing sites and increase opportunities for the public to enjoy the outdoors. Investments include $24 million for the Waterville Hatchery, $19 million for the Crystal Springs Hatchery, $12 million for other hatcheries, and $5 million for shore fishing.

What's the need

Minnesota is renowned for its fishing opportunities, but the places that produce fish and where people catch fish need investments so people can continue to have great fishing experiences.

A number of the state's fish hatcheries were constructed in the 1950s and are still operating with original equipment. The DNR also manages 360 shore fishing sites and fishing piers across the state. Many new anglers, families and children, and people with more limited economic resources rely on shore fishing facilities to access Minnesota's public waters.

What's the investment

The $60 million in investments move Minnesota toward a state-of-the-art fish hatchery system with safe and biosecure water supplies, increased fish production, and improved staff safety. The investments will also enhance shore fishing sites and opportunities. View map.

  • $24 million for the Waterville Hatchery
  • $19 million for the Crystal Springs Hatchery
  • $12 million for other hatcheries
  • $5 million for shore fishing

Read more about these investments in this factsheet


Access and accessibility project map. See list link in text for details

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