GIS Data Sources



Active Wastewater Facilities

Data Owner: Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA)

Definition: This dataset represents the locations, classifications, and physical characteristics of NPDES and SDS wastewater facilities regulated by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. The locations represent the treatment building and this data set does not contain locations of influent, effluent, ambient, or land application monitoring locations. Tribal permits are administered at the federal level and not represented here.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Altered Watercourses

Data Owner: Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA)

Definition: MPCA stream lines where streams are categorized based on the status of hydrologic alteration (channelized, ditched, or impounded).

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Annual Precipitation (1991-2020) Departure from Record (1895-2020)

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: The layer displays the difference (in inches) between the recent annual total precipitation (averaged over the 1991-2020 30-year climate normal) when compared to the annual total precipitation for the entire climate record (averaged over the years 1895 to 2020). Positive values indicate an increase in annual precipitation, and negative values indicate a decrease. The map layers include a raster and contours to visualize the variability in climate across the state. Source data includes precipitation data from the NOAA Global Historic Climate Network - Monthly dataset (GHCNm). The monthly values are summarized at each of the 14,522 gridded observation points for each climate attribute and converted into a interpolated surface to generate rasters covering the state with a spatial resolution of 1km grid cells.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Annual Precipitation, 1991 to 2020

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: This layer displays the annual total precipitation (in inches) averaged over the years of 1991 to 2020 (30-year climate normal). The map layers include a raster and contours to visualize the variability in climate across the state. Source data includes precipitation data from the NOAA Global Historic Climate Network - Monthly dataset (GHCNm). The monthly values are summarized at each of the 14,522 gridded observation points for each climate attribute and converted into a interpolated surface to generate rasters covering the state with a spatial resolution of 1km grid cells.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Aquifer Recharge Potential through Wetland Restoration in Bonanza Valley

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: This data prioritizes locations for wetland restoration within the Bonanza Valley Ground Water Management Area (GWMA). The objective of the prioritization was to identify locations that are suitable for wetland restoration and, when restored, are likely to provide recharge to the groundwater supply. This data supports the objectives outlined in the Bonanza Valley GWMA Plan.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Assessed Streams/Lakes/Wetlands, 2024

Data Owner: Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA)

Definition: This is the set of waterbodies assessed by MPCA's surface water quality assessment process for the 2024 303(d)/305(b) integrated report to US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). For assessed waterbodies they are evaluated relative to a specific assessed use (e.g., aquatic consumption, aquatic life, aquatic recreation, drinking water, or limited resource value) and are determined to be fully supporting, not supporting, or to have insufficient findings to make a determination. These waterbodies are a subset and enhancement of the 1:24,000 scale National Hydrography Dataset (NHD).

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Average Annual Temperature (1991-2020) Departure from Record (1895-2020)

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: The layer displays the difference (in degrees Fahrenheit) between the recent average annual temperature (averaged over the 1991-2020 30-year climate normal) when compared to the average annual temperature for the entire climate record (averaged over the years 1895 to 2020). Positive values indicate an increase in average annual temperature, and negative values indicate a decrease. The map layers include a raster and contours to visualize the variability in climate across the state. Source data includes temperature data from the NOAA Global Historic Climate Network - Monthly dataset (GHCNm). The monthly values are summarized at each of the 14,522 gridded observation points for each climate attribute and converted into a interpolated surface to generate rasters covering the state with a spatial resolution of 1km grid cells.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Average Annual Temperature, 1991 to 2020

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: This layer displays the average annual temperature (in degrees Fahrenheit) averaged over the years of 1991 to 2020 (30-year climate normal). The map layers include a raster and contours to visualize the variability in climate across the state. Source data includes temperature data from the NOAA Global Historic Climate Network - Monthly dataset (GHCNm). The monthly values are summarized at each of the 14,522 gridded observation points for each climate attribute and converted into a interpolated surface to generate rasters covering the state with a spatial resolution of 1km grid cells.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.


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Bridge and Culvert Inventory

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Transportation (MNDOT)

Definition: This data set contains points indicating the location of bridges and culverts that are included in the MN Department or Transportation database, this is not a comprehensive collection of bridges and culverts.

Data Source: Not available for download.


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CWI Max Arsenic (ug/L)

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Health (MDH)

Definition: This point layer shows the maximum recorded Arsenic sample result (ug/L) for wells in the Minnesota County Well Index. Only wells with known Arsenic sample results are included. Unique well numbers are not included in this layer.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

CWI Max Nitrate (mg/L)

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Health (MDH)

Definition: This point layer shows the maximum recorded Nitrate sample result (mg/L) for wells in the Minnesota County Well Index. Only wells with known Nitrate sample results are included. Unique well numbers are not included in this layer.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Catchments (sub-divided HUC12)

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: A MN DNR managed watershed boundary layer. The Catchments are the smallest watershed boundary that the Watershed Health Index scores are calculated to. There are 10,018 catchments in the data set.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Catchments by Hydrologic Position

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: Catchment watersheds symbolized based on a modeled streamflow. Streamflow is modeled through custom regression analysis that predicts discharge based on upstream area, upstream land cover, and observed precipitation.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Change in Impervious Cover Index

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: This layer depicts the change in the Impervious Cover Index scores, comparing the 2001 index scores to the 2016 index scores. Positive values correspond to areas that have increasing health scores, negative values correspond to areas with decreasing health scores. See the WHAF Impervious Cover Index write-up for more details on how the index scores are calculated.

Data Source: The WHAF health scores are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website, for additional data contact [email protected]

Change in Perennial Cover Index

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: This layer depicts the change in the Perennial Cover Index scores, comparing the 2001 scores to the 2016 scores. Positive values correspond to areas that have increasing health scores, negative values correspond to areas with decreasing health scores. See the WHAF Perennial Cover Index write-up for more details on how the index scores are calculated.

Data Source: The WHAF health scores are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website, for additional data contact [email protected]

Change in Water Withdrawal Index

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: This layer depicts the change in the Water Withdrawal Index score, comparing the average index for all available years (1990 - 2019) to the average index for the most recent 5-years (2015 - 2019). Scores are represented at the DNR Catchment watershed scale (DNR Level 08), where positive values correspond with an increasing health score (lower stress) and negative values correspond with a decreasing health score (higher stress). See the WHAF Water Withdrawal Index write-up for more details on how the index is calculated.

Data Source: The WHAF health scores are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website, for additional data contact [email protected]

City Boundaries

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: The boundaries of municipal areas in Minnesota. A subset of the City, Township, and Unorganized Territories (CTU) Boundaries (CTU_TYPE = 'CITY'). Cities are labeled at large scales, zoom in to view labels on map.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Cooperative Stream Gages (CSG)

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR); Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA); U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)

Definition: This layer depicts the stream gage locations on the MN DNR and MPCA Cooperative Stream Gaging website. A URL link to view site details and observations are available in the data layers attributes. Time series data collected at the stream gage can be viewed and downloaded thru the URL. Use the identify function to access the link. For additional data contact [email protected]

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

County Boundaries

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Transportation (MNDOT)

Definition: The boundaries for counties within Minnesota. This is a cartographic product and does not represent the precise legal boundary.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Crop Data Layers

Data Owner: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Service

Definition: The Cropland Data Layer (CDL) uses satellite imagery to create a land classification map for specific crop types. The CDL is produced annually.

Data Source: The National Agricultural Statistics Service website provides access to data, and metadata for each year of availability.


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DNR Major Watersheds (HUC8)

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: DNR major watersheds are administrative watersheds within the state of Minnesota that are analogous in size and location to the USGS HUC 8 watersheds.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

DNR Observation Wells

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: This layer depicts the DNR Observation well locations by monitoring status and aquifer type. Time series data collected at the well can be viewed and downloaded thru the Cooperative Ground Water Monitoring (CGM) website. A URL link to view site details and observations are available in the data layers attributes, use the identify function to access the link. For additional data contact [email protected]

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

DNR Regions

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: Administrative regions for Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.


Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Health (MDH)

Definition: Once a Wellhead Protection Area is established, a Drinking Water Supply Management Area (DWSMA) is created to provide planning boundaries on the land surface in order to more easily manage the groundwater below.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

DWSMA Vulnerability

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Health (MDH)

Definition: This polygon layer contains different vulnerability assessments within Drinking Water Supply Management Areas. Aquifers and wells used for public water supplies vary widely. Some are very shallow and unprotected and can be easily contaminated by activities at the ground surface. Others are deeper or more protected by geologic materials; these tend to exhibit a low vulnerability to overlying land uses. The types of management activities required within Wellhead Protection Areas will vary based largely on these vulnerability assessments.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Delisted Streams/Lakes, 2024

Data Owner: Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA)

Definition: This is the set delisted waterbodies as determined by MPCA's surface water quality assessment process for the 2024 reporting cycle to US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Once impaired, these waterbodies have subsequently been found to be meeting water quality standards due to either restoration activities or unknown reasons. Waterbodies declared delisted prior to 2024 are also included in this dataset unless they have been delisted. Water bodies are labeled according the the specific parameter that it has been delisted for. These waterbodies are a subset and enhancement of the 1:24,000 scale National Hydrography Dataset (NHD).

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Drinking Water Wells per Section

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Health (MDH)

Definition: This polygon layer displays the number of drinking water wells (as defined in the Minnesota County Well Index) within each Public Land Survey section.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.


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Ecological Classification System Land Type Associations

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: Land Type Associations are units of land within Subsections that are defined using glacial landforms, bedrock types, topographic roughness, lake and stream distributions, wetland patterns, depth to ground water table, soil parent material, and pre-European settlement vegetation. Minnesota has 291 land type associations.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Ecological Classification System Provinces

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: Provinces are units of land defined using major climate zones, native vegetation, and biomes such as prairies, deciduous forests, or boreal forests. There are 4 Provinces in Minnesota.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Ecological Classification System Sections

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: Sections are units of land within Provinces that are defined by origin of glacial deposits, regional elevation, distribution of plants, and regional climate. Minnesota has 10 sections.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Ecological Classification System Subsections

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: Subsections are units of land within Sections that are defined using glacial deposition processes, surface bedrock formations, local climate, topographic relief, and the distribution of plants, especially trees. Minnesota has 26 subsections.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Ecological Patches and Connectors

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: This data identifies the location of intact habitat (patches) based on the needs of key indicator species for each biome in Minnesota. The core habitat areas are then connected using a least-cost analysis (connectors).

Data Source: Not available for download.

Ecoregions (Level III)

Data Owner: Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA)

Definition: Ecoregions are areas where ecosystems (and the type, quality, and quantity of environmental resources) are generally similar. This layer displays Level III ecoregions and is derived from Omernik (1987) and from mapping done in collaboration with EPA regional offices, other Federal agencies, state resource management agencies, and neighboring North American countries.

Data Source: The source data and metadata can be downloaded from the U.S. EPA's website.


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FEMA Flood Hazard Zones (DFIRM)

Data Owner: Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

Definition: This layer shows the FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) Digital Flood Insurance Rate Maps (DFIRM) for counties that have been evaluated since 2003. This layer includes the extent of the floodway, the 100-year flood elevation (or 1%t annual chance flood elevation), the 500-year flood elevation (or 0.2% annual chance flood elevations), areas of undetermined flood hazard (Zone D), and areas with reduced flood risk due to presence of a levee. Percentages represent the chance of a flood equals or exceeds the elevation in any given year.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

FEMA Flood Hazard Zones (FIRM Unmodernized)

Data Owner: Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

Definition: This layer shows the FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) for counties that have paper-based mapping of floodplain areas (evaluated prior to 2003). These data are a legacy dataset and are in the process of being replaced by modern Digital Flood Insurance Rate (DFIRM) maps. When new DFIRMS are accepted for a county, the coverage of the flood hazard areas according to the paper-based maps will be removed from this layer and added to the FEMA DFIRM layer. This layer includes the extent of the floodway, the 100-year flood elevation (or 1%t annual chance flood elevation), and the 500-year flood elevation (or 0.2% annual chance flood elevations). Percentages represent the chance of a flood equals or exceeds the elevation in any given year.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Fall Nitrogen Fertilizer Application Restrictions, 2024

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA)

Definition: This polygon layer displays quarter sections that have restrictions in the amount of fall nitrogen fertilizer application for 2023 due to the presence of vulnerable groundwater areas. These areas are derived by compiling layers that contribute to groundwater vulnerability including: Karst topography, coarse textured soils, and near surface bedrock. Quarter sections were included if greater than 50% of the quarter section by area falls into one or more of the vulnerable categories. Areas are excluded from this layer if they are in a county with less than 3% cropland or are within a climate exclusion area. Additionally, Fall Nitrogen Fertilizer Application will be restricted in Drinking Water Management Areas (DWSMAs) that are rated moderate, high, or very high vulnerability and have nitrate concentrations at or greater than 5.4 mg/L.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Fast Forest Disturbance

Data Owner: University of Minnesota; Minnesota Department of Natural Resources

Definition: This layer shows the most recent fast forest disturbance for a given area as delineated from satellite imagery dating back to 1974. The change patches are further classified by the agent of change (land conversion, forest fire, flooding, timber harvest, wind/weather, or other).

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.


Data Owner: Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA)

Definition: This dataset contains point locations of animal feedlot facilities in Minnesota. The attributes include animal counts by species, and animal units.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.


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Geologic Sensitivity at Wells

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Health (MDH)

Definition: Pollution sensitivity (also known as aquifer vulnerability or geologic sensitivity) refers to the time it takes recharge and contaminants at the ground surface to reach the underlying aquifer. This raster layer was created by calculating the sensitivity at individual wells and then interpolating between them to create a smooth layer. The wells used to make this figure vary in depth but overall provide a picture of the geologic sensitivity of aquifers below the water table. (This method was employed due to the absence of an available statewide dataset depicting pollution sensitivity, or vulnerability, of aquifers.)

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Geomorphology of Minnesota - Sedimentary Association

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: This layer describes the sedimentary association or rock type for soils.

Data Source: Not available for download.

Groundwater Dominated Lakes

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: This polygon layer represents lakes that have watershed area to lake area ratios of 10 or less and are larger than 10 acres (lakes larger than 100,000 acres are excluded because they may behave differently from smaller lakes). Because of their relatively small watersheds, these lakes are likely to have a significant groundwater component relative to surface water. Lakes with a ratio of between 5 and 10 may be groundwater dominated, especially if the sediment around the lake is predominantly sandy. Lakes with a watershed to lake area of less than 5 are very likely groundwater dominated, either through relatively large groundwater inflow, outflow, or both. Lakes with a ratio of greater than 10 are likely surface water dominated. However, the ultimate determination of whether a particular lake is dominated by groundwater flow requires more site specific information. The Groundwater Dominated Lakes feature class is derived from the DNR Lakes and Open Water and DNR Level 09 Autocatchment datasets.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Groundwater Management Areas

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: A Groundwater Management Area (GWMA) is the surface and subsurface area within which a GWMA Plan is implemented.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Groundwater Provinces

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: The groundwater province map summarizes groundwater resource differences at a regional level. The data is primarily based on bedrock and glacial geologic conditions that drive the type and properties of aquifers.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.


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HUC10 Watersheds

Data Owner: U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)

Definition: USGS Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD), there are approximately 530 HUC 10 watersheds in Minnesota.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

HUC12 Watersheds

Data Owner: U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)

Definition: USGS watershed boundaries, there are approximately 2,500 HUC 12 watersheds in Minnesota.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Hillshade Topography

Data Owner: Minnesota Geospatial Information Office (MNGeo)

Definition: A representation of elevation data derived from MN LiDAR data collection and USGS National Elevation Dataset. The image mimics the effect of a light being cast across a 3-dimensional surface. This hillshade was generated using a simulated light position of 315 degrees azimuth, which conforms with typical hillshade design.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Historic Aerial Images

Data Owner: University of Minnesota (UMN)

Definition: The Borchert Map Library at the University of Minnesota has created a catalog of scanned historic aerial images. Each point in this dataset corresponds to the center of one of these scanned images. Points are color coded by the decade in which the image was collected, the point attributes contain a hyperlink to view or download the image.

Data Source: A catalogue of aerial photograph holdings can be accessed from the Borchert Library webpage.


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Impaired Streams/Lakes/Wetlands, 2024

Data Owner: Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA)

Definition: This is the set impaired waterbodies as determined by MPCA's surface water quality assessment process for the 2024 reporting cycle to US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Waterbodies declared impaired prior to 2024 are also included in this dataset unless they have been delisted. Multiple symbolizations are available for these data either including all impairments by waterbody type, impairments grouped together by related impairment parameters, or impairments by corresponding affected use. These waterbodies are a subset and enhancement of the 1:24,000 scale National Hydrography Dataset (NHD).

The groupings of related impaired parameters are as follows for lakes and streams:

  • Impaired Lakes:
    • Chloride: Chloride (Cl-)
    • Fishes bioassessment: Fish bioassessments (FishesBio)
    • Mercury: Mercury in fish tissue (Hg-F), Mercury in water column (Hg-W)
    • Nutrients: Nutrients
    • PFOS: Perfluorooctane Sulfonate in fish tissue (PFOS-F)
    • Industrial contaminants: Dioxin, PCB in fish tissue (PCB-F), PCB in water column (PCB-W)
    • Pesticides: Chlorpyrifos (Clpyr), DDT, Dieldrin, Toxaphene
    • Sulfate: Sulfate (SO4)
    • Other contaminants: Ammonia, unionized (Amm-U)
  • Impaired Streams:
    • Sediment: Turbidity (T), Total suspended solids (TSS)
    • Fishes bioassessment: Fish bioassessments (FishesBio)
    • Invertebrate bioassessment: Aquatic macroinvertebrate bioassessments (InvertBio)
    • Bacteria: Escherichia coli (E. coli), Fecal Coliform (FC)
    • PFOS: Perfluorooctane Sulfonate in fish tissue (PFOS-F), Perfluorooctane Sulfonate in water column (PFOS-W)
    • Industrial contaminants: PCB in fish tissue (PCB-F), PCB in water column (PCB-W)
    • Pesticides: Acetochlor (Ace), Chlorpyrifos (Clpyr), Copper (Cu), DDT, Dieldrin
    • Dissolved Oxygen: Dissolved Oxygen (DO)
    • Mercury: Mercury in fish tissue (Hg-F), Mercury in water column (Hg-W)
    • Nutrients: Nutrients, Nitrate
    • Chloride: Chloride (Cl-)
    • Sulfate: Sulfate (SO4)
    • Other contaminants: Aluminum (Al), Ammonia, unionized (Amm-U), Arsenic (As)
    • Other stressors: ph, Water temperature (Temp)

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Invasive Aquatic Species Observations

Data Owner: Multi-Agency Coordinated Effort - EDDMapS

Definition: This layer depicts presence and/or approximate physical locations of aquatic invasive species. There is a separate layer for invasive plants and animals.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Invasive Terrestrial Species Observations

Data Owner: Multi-Agency Coordinated Effort - EDDMapS

Definition: This layer depicts presence and/or approximate physical locations of terrestrial invasive species. There is a separate layer for invasive animals, diseases, plants, and worms.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Inventory of Dams

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: Information on dam locations and the associated permits. This inventory represents a complete record of all of the "significant" dams in Minnesota.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.


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Karst Features

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: Geologic features (sinkholes, caves, springs, and underground drainage) associated with a Karst terrain. Karst landscapes and hydrology are dominated by rapid conduit flow and raise special concerns for land use planning and natural resource management, particularly as it pertains to water quality.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.


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Lake Index of Biological Integrity (IBI) - Fish

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: This Index of Biological Integrity measures the fish community response to anthropogenic stressors such as eutrophication and shoreline development. This layer contains the most recent IBI survey data, see the source data for information on all previous surveys. Four Fish IBI Tools were developed. Each tool has 8 – 15 metrics (such as number of intolerant species, proportion of insectivores by biomass, number of vegetation dwelling species for example), and tools are scored 0 -100. Scores are compared to threshold values, and lakes scoring below the impairment threshold are typically assessed as impaired and stressors are investigated. Lakes scoring above the exceptional threshold are identified for protection.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Lake Index of Biological Integrity (IBI) - Plant Eutrophication

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: This Index of Biological Integrity measures the aquatic plant community response to anthropogenic eutrophication. Metrics include taxa richness and floristic quality index (FQI). Scores are compared to a threshold value, and lakes below the threshold do not support aquatic life use.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.


Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: This layer is derived from DNR Hydrography - All Water Features. The lakes layer is symbolized by water feature category, and data restricted by size so that only large lakes are visible at small map scales, zoom in on map to view all lakes. The lake feature are labeled, zoom in on the map to view lake names.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Lakes of Biological Significance

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: A classification of lakes assigned by DNR subject matter experts based on objective criteria. The goal of the assessment is to identify lakes that exhibit the highest quality features within any of the four criteria assessed, which include aquatic plants, fish, amphibians, and birds.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Lakes of Phosphorus Sensitivity Significance

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: An analysis output used to characterize lakes based on their sensitivity to nutrient pollution. The analysis estimates how much water clarity would be reduced with additional phosphorus loading to the lake.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Listed Infested Waters

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: These are water bodies listed as infested with any of these aquatic invasive species: Bighead carp, Brazilian waterweed, brittle naiad, Eurasian watermilfoil, faucet snail, flowering rush, grass carp, New Zealand mud snail, red swamp crayfish, round goby, ruffe, silver carp, spiny waterflea, starry stonewort, viral hemorrhagic septicemia (VHS), white perch, zebra mussel

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.


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MDA Groundwater Protection Rule DWSMAs

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA)

Definition: Under the Groundwater Protection Rule, the MDA determines the mitigation levels for community water supply wells and their Drinking Water Supply Management Areas (DWSMAs) that have nitrate levels greater than or equal to 5.4 mg/L (or parts per million (ppm)), based on monitoring data provided by MDH. Under the Rule, wells which have nitrate levels at or above 5.4 ppm but less than 8 ppm at any point in the previous ten years will be determined to be at Mitigation Level 1 and wells with nitrate at or above 8 ppm at any point in the last ten years will be determined to be at Mitigation Level 2, unless the MDA determines there is a point source causing the well to exceed these levels or the MDA delays the determination of a mitigation level decision for good cause.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

MN Biological Survey - Sites of Biodiversity Significance

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: A ranking system for landscapes that have significant value due to the presence of rare species populations, the size and condition of native plant communities within the site, and the landscape context of the site.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Maximum Annual Temperature (1991-2020) Departure from Record (1895-2020)

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: The layer displays the difference (in degrees Fahrenheit) between the recent maximum annual temperature (averaged over the 1991-2020 30-year climate normal) when compared to the maximum annual temperature for the entire climate record (averaged over the years 1895 to 2020). Positive values indicate an increase in maximum annual temperature, and negative values indicate a decrease. The map layers include a raster and contours to visualize the variability in climate across the state. Source data includes temperature data from the NOAA Global Historic Climate Network - Monthly dataset (GHCNm). The monthly values are summarized at each of the 14,522 gridded observation points for each climate attribute and converted into a interpolated surface to generate rasters covering the state with a spatial resolution of 1km grid cells.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Maximum Annual Temperature, 1991 to 2020

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: This layer displays the maximum annual temperature (in degrees Fahrenheit) averaged over the years of 1991 to 2020 (30-year climate normal). The map layers include a raster and contours to visualize the variability in climate across the state. Source data includes temperature data from the NOAA Global Historic Climate Network - Monthly dataset (GHCNm). The monthly values are summarized at each of the 14,522 gridded observation points for each climate attribute and converted into a interpolated surface to generate rasters covering the state with a spatial resolution of 1km grid cells.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Minimum Annual Temperature (1991-2020) Departure from Record (1895-2020)

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: The layer displays the difference (in degrees Fahrenheit) between the recent minimum annual temperature (averaged over the 1991-2020 30-year climate normal) when compared to the minimum annual temperature for the entire climate record (averaged over the years 1895 to 2020). Positive values indicate an increase in minimum annual temperature, and negative values indicate a decrease. The map layers include a raster and contours to visualize the variability in climate across the state. Source data includes temperature data from the NOAA Global Historic Climate Network - Monthly dataset (GHCNm). The monthly values are summarized at each of the 14,522 gridded observation points for each climate attribute and converted into a interpolated surface to generate rasters covering the state with a spatial resolution of 1km grid cells.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Minimum Annual Temperature, 1991 to 2020

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: This layer displays the minimum annual temperature (in degrees Fahrenheit) averaged over the years of 1991 to 2020 (30-year climate normal). The map layers include a raster and contours to visualize the variability in climate across the state. Source data includes temperature data from the NOAA Global Historic Climate Network - Monthly dataset (GHCNm). The monthly values are summarized at each of the 14,522 gridded observation points for each climate attribute and converted into a interpolated surface to generate rasters covering the state with a spatial resolution of 1km grid cells.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Mussel Site Score, 2015

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: Each point represents the location of a mussel population survey site. Each site is scored based on the catch per unit effort, percent live species, species recruitment, and relative tolerance. These four parameters are combined to create an overall site quality score with values ranging from 0 (poor quality) to 100 (excellent quality).

Data Source: More information on the Minnesota Statewide Mussel Survey can be found on the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources website.


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NLCD Imperviousness

Data Owner: Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics Consortium (MRLC)

Definition: The National Land Cover Database provides a classification of the percent imperviousness of all land in the United States. The analysis is repeated on a 5 year interval allowing for comparisons in imperviousness over time. This data reflects the NLCD update published April 5th, 2019.

Data Source: The MRLC website provides access to data, metadata, and additional resources.

NLCD Land Cover

Data Owner: Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics Consortium (MRLC)

Definition: The National Land Cover Database provides a 16-class land cover analysis for the entire land area of the United States. The analysis is repeated on a 5 year interval allowing for comparisons in land use change over time. This data reflects the NLCD update published April 5th, 2019.

Data Source: The MRLC website provides access to data, metadata, and additional resources.

National Wetlands Inventory (NWI), 2009 to 2014

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: National Wetland Inventory (NWI) data for Minnesota provide information on the location, extent, and type of Minnesota wetlands. This updated NWI data delineate and classify wetlands according to the system developed by Cowardin et al. (1979), which is consistent with the original NWI as well as the Circular 39 classification system. NWI data support effective wetland management, protection, and restoration.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

National Wildlife Refuges

Data Owner: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Wildlife Refuge System

Definition: The boundary polygons for National Wildlife Refuges across Minnesota managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Data Source: The source data and metadata can be downloaded from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service website. 

Native Prairies

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: The Native Prairies data are a subset of DNR Native Plant Communities. Native plant communities (sometimes also referred to as "natural communities") are groups of native plants that interact with each other and their surrounding environment in ways not greatly altered by modern human activity or by introduced plant or animal species. These native prairie communities are the remnants of a habitat that has been widely converted to other land uses, these areas are critically important for conservation.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.


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One Watershed, One Plan - Interim Boundaries

Data Owner: Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR)

Definition: See "One Watershed, One Plan - Planning Boundaries" data description for information on foundational dataset. Because of the substantial time lag between when planning boundary adjustments are suggested and when they are finally approved, and because generating data to inform planning requires accurate spatial data to consistently describe the planning area, an interim layer is needed.

Data Source: Not available for download.

One Watershed, One Plan - Planning Boundaries

Data Owner: Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR)

Definition: The planning boundaries for the 1W1P watershed planning effort. The 1W1P boundaries are based on the DNR Major watersheds, some planning boundaries consist of several DNR Major watersheds merged together.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Open Pit Mines

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: A subset of the DNR Hydrography dataset. Polygonal water features that are associated with mine pits. These features are classified with a water body type ("WB_Type") of "Mine or Gravel Pit" or "Tailings Pond".

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.


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Pollution Sensitivity of Near-Surface Materials

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: This dataset estimates the pollution sensitivity of near-surface materials (soil, bedrock, aquifer) from the transmission time of water through 3 feet of soil and 7 feet of surficial geologic material, to a depth of 10 feet from the land surface. This layer is used to derive the watershed health index score that shares the same name. Sensitivity ratings range from high (indicating coarse-grained material such as sand) to ultra-low (indicating fine-grained material such as clay), as well as categories for special near-surface conditions (karst, bedrock, etc.).

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Population Change 2000-2010

Data Owner: U.S. Census Bureau

Definition: Population counts were aggregated from the census block to the catchment watershed boundary, proportioning the population and assuming an even population distribution within the census block. The change in population between 2000 and 2010 was calculated at the catchment boundary from the aggregated population values.

Data Source: Population data can be downloaded from the U.S. Census Bureau website. 

Population Density, 2000

Data Owner: U.S. Census Bureau

Definition: Population counts were mapped to the U.S. Census block boundary. This layer depicts census blocks symbolized on the population density within the block, based on the 2000 census.

Data Source: Population data can be downloaded from the U.S. Census Bureau website. 

Population Density, 2010

Data Owner: U.S. Census Bureau

Definition: Population counts were mapped to the U.S. Census block boundary. This layer depicts census blocks symbolized on the population density within the block, based on the 2010 census.

Data Source: Population data can be downloaded from the U.S. Census Bureau website. 

Prairie Conservation Plan

Data Owner: Minnesota Prairie Plan Working Group

Definition: The Minnesota Prairie Landscape Conservation Plan is a habitat conservation plan for native prairie, grassland, and wetlands in the Prairie Region of Western Minnesota. The plan details a three pronged conservation approach that focuses on protecting and expanding on existing prairie habitat in core areas, increasing connectivity by restoring habitat within corridors and strategic habitat complexes, and facilitating local conservation throughout the region. The map layers define the targeted areas of the landscape where protection and restoration efforts will be focused.

Data Source: Additional information about the source data, and the ongoing effort to implement the prairie plan, can be found on the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources website. 

Presettlement Vegetation

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: Marschner's presettlement vegetation map was created using land surveyor notes from the original Public Land Survey. The map depicts early-settlement vegetation patterns prior to large scale land use conversions.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Primary Aquifers by Section

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Health (MDH)

Definition: County Well Index (CWI) location-verified and interpreted well records were summarized by PLS section. Results show the general distribution of aquifer use in the state. Classification is based on the aquifer code with the greatest frequency in each section; in cases where multiple aquifer codes have the same count, classification between those codes is arbitrary. Data gaps reflect absence of a county geologic atlas and verified well logs to inform aquifer type:

  • Surficial sand and gravel – aquifer close to the land surface; recharges quickly due to lack of overlying fine-grained material.
  • Buried sand and gravel – aquifer not close to the land surface; recharges slowly due to presence of overlying fine-grained material.
  • Sandstone bedrock – aquifer typically not close to the land surface; recharge rate depends on composition and thickness of overlying material.
  • Carbonate bedrock (limestone) – aquifer often close to the land surface; recharge rate depends on composition and thickness overlying material. Because carbonate bedrock dissolves over time, water can move quickly over long distances through conduits and caves and is highly vulnerable to contamination in near-surface conditions.
    • See areas mapped as karst on GRAPS Pollution Sensitivity of Near-Surface Materials.
  • Crystalline bedrock – aquifer often close to the land surface; recharge rate depends on overlying material. The rock itself is relatively impermeable, so water moves through fractures only; wells typically have low yields.
    • See areas in northeastern and southwestern Minnesota mapped as bedrock at or near surface on GRAPS Pollution Sensitivity of Near-Surface Materials.
  • Weathered material – aquifer typically not close the land surface; recharges slowly due to presence of overlying fine-grained material. Water quality can be highly mineralized; used as an aquifer because of no overlying sand and gravel.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Protected Areas Database of the United States (PAD-US)

Data Owner: U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)

Definition: The USGS Protected Areas Database of the United States (PAD-US) is the nation's inventory of protected areas, including public land and voluntarily provided private protected areas. The PAD-US is an ongoing project with several published versions of a spatial database including areas dedicated to the preservation of biological diversity, and other natural (including extraction), recreational, or cultural uses, managed for these purposes through legal or other effective means. The areas represented here illustrate the full PAD-US inventory with fee simple parcels (where available), easement interests, marine areas, DOD Military Lands (from Proclamation feature class), and overlapping management designations. Categorization is by name, with detailed federal managers and generic state/local/other managers from the combined PAD-US inventory. These data are from Version 4.0 of the USGS PAD-US dataset.

Data Source: The source data in a project description are available for download from the U.S. Geological Survey website.


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Restorable Wetland Index

Data Owner: Natural Resources Research Institute, University of Minnesota Duluth

Definition: This data depicts the predicted location of restorable wetlands. The raster grid was developed using machine learning models to predict the location of existing and restorable wetlands based on hydrological, geomorphological, and biological variables. The raster values are classified into quintiles by the probability of a location being a restorable wetland.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the University of Minnesota Duluth Natural Resource Research Institute website.

Restorable Wetland Inventory - U.S. Fish and Wildlife, 2000

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR) and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)

Definition: This data depicts areas of drained and partially drained depressional wetlands for 47 counties in southern and western Minnesota. The data was created through stereo photo-interpretation in order to help target and plan wetland restoration to improve wildlife habitat. Source imagery was collected in 1991-1992.

Data Source: Not available for download.

River Basins, (HUC4)

Data Owner: U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)

Definition: USGS Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD), HUC 4 watershed boundaries that correspond in scale to the MN DNR Basins. This subset includes all HUC 4s that intersect Minnesota.

Data Source: A description of the data and links to the Geospatial Data Gateway can be found at this USGS website.

River Basins, MN (HUC4)

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: A MN DNR managed watershed boundary layer. These boundaries are roughly equivalent to USGS HUC 4 watersheds, but differ in that have been clipped to the state of Minnesota boundary.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.


Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Transportation (MNDOT)

Definition: The data depicts the location of all public and some private roads within the state of Minnesota. The roads data is intended as a general reference layer.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.


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SPARROW Nitrogen - Non-point Incremental Yield

Data Owner: U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)

Definition: SPARROW (Spatially Referenced Regressions on Watershed Attributes) is a modeling tool for regional interpretation of water-quality monitoring data. This layer represents the modeled incremental yield of nitrogen coming from non-point sources and being discharged from a given catchment. Data values are represented in kilograms of nitrogen per square kilometer per year.

Data Source: Reports describing the modeling effort, data, and metadata can be found on the U.S. Geological Survey website.

SPARROW Phosphorus - Non-point Incremental Yield

Data Owner: U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)

Definition: SPARROW (Spatially Referenced Regressions on Watershed Attributes) is a modeling tool for regional interpretation of water-quality monitoring data. This layer represents the modeled incremental yield of phosphorus coming from non-point sources and being discharged from a given catchment. Data values are represented in kilograms of phosphorus per square kilometer per year.

Data Source: Reports describing the modeling effort, data, and metadata can be found on the U.S. Geological Survey website.

Scientific and Natural Area Boundaries

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: The boundary polygons of Scientific and Natural Areas Units (SNA) across Minnesota. Scientific and natural areas are established to protect and perpetuate in an undisturbed natural state those lands and waters embracing natural features of exceptional scientific and educational value.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Score the Shore

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: Score the Shore is a protocol to assess the quantity and integrity of lakeshore habitat. Habitat is scored in three zones: shoreland, shoreline, and aquatic. The survey was designed to assess differences in habitat between lakes and to detect changes over time.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Soils - Drainage Class

Data Owner: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service

Definition: The drainage class is a designation of natural soil moisture conditions that are determined by the frequency and duration of wet periods. This designation is based on the conditions under which the soil was formed. There are seven drainage classes ranging from excessively drained to very poorly drained. Derived from SSURGO and STATSGO data, best available data was used at the time of layer creation.

Data Source: Project information, soil data, and metadata can be downloaded from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resource Conservation Service website. 

Soils - Hydric Soils Percent Presence

Data Owner: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service

Definition: The percent of soils in a particular area that are hydric. Hydric soils can be useful in identifying areas of wetland, or areas that were formerly wetland. The Hydric classification is defined as soils that are saturated at the surface for a long enough portion of the growing season to create anaerobic conditions. Derived from SSURGO and STATSGO data, best available data was used at the time of layer creation.

Data Source: Project information, soil data, and metadata can be downloaded from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resource Conservation Service website. 

Soils - Hydrologic Soil Group

Data Owner: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service

Definition: A classification of soils that characterizes the runoff responses to rainfall events. Derived from SSURGO and STATSGO data, best available data was used at the time of layer creation.

Data Source: Project information, soil data, and metadata can be downloaded from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resource Conservation Service website. 

Soils - K-Factor (erodability)

Data Owner: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service

Definition: A classification of soils that characterizes the erodability (or K-Factor) for soils. Derived from SSURGO and STATSGO data, best available data was used at the time of layer creation.

Data Source: Project information, soil data, and metadata can be downloaded from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resource Conservation Service website. 

Soils - Percent Clay

Data Owner: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service

Definition: The percent of the soil material composed of clay sized particles. Derived from SSURGO and STATSGO data, best available data was used at the time of layer creation.

Data Source: Project information, soil data, and metadata can be downloaded from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resource Conservation Service website. 

Soils - Percent Organic Matter

Data Owner: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service

Definition: The percent of the soil material composed of organic matter. Derived from SSURGO and STATSGO data, best available data was used at the time of layer creation.

Data Source: Project information, soil data, and metadata can be downloaded from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resource Conservation Service website. 

Soils - Percent Sand

Data Owner: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service

Definition: The percent of the soil material composed of sand sized particles. Derived from SSURGO and STATSGO data, best available data was used at the time of layer creation.

Data Source: Project information, soil data, and metadata can be downloaded from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resource Conservation Service website. 

Soils - Percent Silt

Data Owner: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service

Definition: The percent of the soil material composed of silt sized particles. Derived from SSURGO and STATSGO data, best available data was used at the time of layer creation.

Data Source: Project information, soil data, and metadata can be downloaded from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resource Conservation Service website. 

Special Well and Boring Construction Areas (SWBCA)

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Health (MDH)

Definition: A Special Well and Boring Construction Area is sometimes also called a well advisory. It is a mechanism which provides for controls on the drilling or alteration of public and private water-supply wells, and monitoring wells in an area where groundwater contamination has, or may, result in risks to the public health

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Spring Inventory

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: This layer depicts the location of springs in Minnesota. The data include locations compiled in the Karst Features Database (Minnesota Geological Survey), locations from historical documents, field surveys by DNR staff, and approved citizen submittals through a citizen reporting application.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

State Funded Best Management Practices – BWSR (eLINK)

Data Owner: Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR)

Definition: These data represent mapped features of best management practices (BMPS) from the Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) eLINK grant reporting system from 2003 to present. The data represents structure practices from a wide range of BMPs that have been mapped through eLINK map interface. BMPs are mapped as points, lines, or polygons depending on the practice type, indicated in the attribute table as FEATURE_TYPE. In this data set, all those features mapped into distinct feature classes have been generalized as points, and combined into a single layer. A point feature has been assigned at the centroid of the line and polygon features. This dataset only includes BMPs that are connected with completed and closed grants, not practices and activities considered “in progress” associated with open grants. The eLINK data represents BWSR grants funded through BWSR via the State General Fund, Clean Water Fund, and Bonding funds. Practices funded through the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) Clean Water Partnership and 319 programs and Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) well sealing grants are also included.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

State Funded Conservation Easements (RIM Reserve)

Data Owner: Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR)

Definition: These data depict the approximate boundaries of lands protected by State of Minnesota conservation easements from 1986 to present. Conservation easements are a critical component of the state’s efforts to improve water quality by reducing soil erosion, phosphorus and nitrogen loading, and improving wildlife habitat and flood attenuation on private lands. Easements protect the state’s water and soil resources by permanently restoring wetlands, adjacent native grassland wildlife habitat complexes and permanent riparian buffers. In cooperation with county Soil & Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs), BWSR's easement programs compensate landowners for granting conservation easements and establishing native vegetation habitat on economically marginal, flood-prone, environmentally sensitive or highly erodible lands. Boundaries should be considered approximate and do not necessarily represent survey grade data.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

State House Districts, 2022

Data Owner: Minnesota Legislative Coordinating Commission - Geographic Information Services Office (LCC- GIS)

Definition: Boundaries for Minnesota House of Representatives legislative districts.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

State Parks, Recreation Areas, and Waysides

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: The statutory boundary polygons for state parks, state recreation areas, and state wayside areas.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

State Senate Districts, 2022

Data Owner: Minnesota Legislative Coordinating Commission - Geographic Information Services Office (LCC- GIS)

Definition: Boundaries for Minnesota State Senate legislative districts.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

State Water Use Permits

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: Minnesota water use data containing information on water use permit holder, water use type, and permitted water use volume.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources website.

Steep Slopes Near Streams

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: Custom analysis identifying hillslopes that are close streams and have a change in elevation of 3 meters or more within a 9 x 9 meter area. This layer is the basis for the Steep Slopes Near Streams health score.

Data Source: This data resource is not available for download, but analysis methods can be viewed in more detail on the Geomorphology, Steep Slopes Near Streams write-up.

Stream Index of Biological Integrity (IBI) - Aquatic Macroinvertebrate

Data Owner: Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA)

Definition: These points represent biological monitoring sites for the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) aquatic macroinvertebrate IBI surveys. The point scores compare the average IBI score to the threshold or expected IBI Score for each site; with an average score above the threshold in green to those below the threshold in red. This relative deviation value is used to calculate the ‘Stream Species Quality, Invertebrate IBI’ WHAF Health Score.

Data Source: More information about Minnesota Pollution Control Agencies water quality assessment program can be found on their website. 

Stream Index of Biological Integrity (IBI) - Fish

Data Owner: Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA)

Definition: These points represent biological monitoring sites for the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) fish IBI surveys. The point scores compare the average IBI score to the threshold or expected IBI Score for each site; with an average score above the threshold in green to those below the threshold in red. This relative deviation value is used to calculate the ‘Stream Species Quality, Fish IBI’ WHAF Health Score.

Data Source: More information about Minnesota Pollution Control Agencies water quality assessment program can be found on their website. 

Stream Protection Priorities

Data Owner: Streams Protection Prioritization Committee; Minnesota Department of Natural Resources; Minnesota Pollution Control Agency

Definition: This data provides a prioritization, within the WRAPS framework, for developing and adopting protection measures for streams reaches that are fully supporting of aquatic life. The highest priority is given to those stream reaches that are at greatest risk of becoming impaired while also recognizing that stream quality varies amongst the stream categories in the tiered aquatic life use or TALU framework.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Streams and Rivers

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: This layer is derived from DNR Hydrography - Streams with Strahler Stream Order. The streams and rivers in this layer are symbolized on the Strahler stream order. Strahler stream order is a method of stream classification where the uppermost tributaries are classified as order 1 streams, an order 2 stream forms when two order 1 streams flow together, an order 3 stream forms when two order 2 streams flow together, and so on.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Surface Water DWSMAs (DWSMA-SW) Legacy - Priority Areas A & B

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Health (MDH)

Definition: The drinking water supply management area for a surface water intake (DWSMA-SW) is the surface and subsurface area surrounding a public water supply intake that contains the scientifically calculated surface water protection area and is managed by the entity identified in a surface water protection plan. The boundaries of a DWSMA-SW are delineated by identifiable physical features, landmarks or political and administrative boundaries. Each delineation includes Priority Areas A & B. Priority Area A is delineated starting with an 8-hour time of travel and is intended to manage contaminants that could present an acute (immediate) health concern to water users; Priority Area B is a larger area delineated to manage contaminants that could cause longer-term health effects at lower levels. This method was developed using the best information at the time; which was data from the 2000s. This is considered MDH’s old method of calculating the delineated areas.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Surface Water DWSMAs (DWSMA-SW) New Generation

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Health (MDH)

Definition: New generation of Drinking Water Supply Management Areas for surface water (DWSMA-SW) intakes. This is the endorsed surface and subsurface area surrounding a public water supply intake that contains the scientifically calculated surface water protection area and is managed by the entity identified in a surface water intake protection plan. The boundaries of a DWSMA-SW are delineated by contributing watershed and DNR-delineated catchment boundaries. This dataset was developed with the intention of protecting the public drinking water supply and complies with the federal Safe Drinking Water Act, United States Code, title 42 and the Minnesota Department of Health Guidance pertaining to the development and implementation of surface water intake protection plans for public water supplies relying on surface waters.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.


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Township Testing Final Nitrate Results

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA)

Definition: The MDA Township Testing Program tests private wells for nitrate in areas of the state with the greatest potential for nitrate contamination. The initial results include data from all wells initially tested regardless of well construction or nitrogen source. Final results are determined using two rounds of sampling and a process to remove wells with construction concerns, insufficient construction information and those near potential non-fertilizer sources of nitrate. In many cases wells are removed from the final data set because homeowners didn’t participate in the second round of testing. Final results represent wells that are potentially impacted by a fertilizer source. Townships with less than 20 wells in the final dataset were determined to have insufficient data to characterize the water quality for a township. The percentage value shown in the legend for this layer reflects the percentage of wells by township included in the final dataset that have nitrate values at or above the drinking water standard of 10 ppm.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Township Testing Initial Nitrate Results

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA)

Definition: The MDA Township Testing Program tests private wells for nitrate in areas of the state with the greatest potential for nitrate contamination. The initial results represent what people are drinking regardless of well type or well age and nitrogen source(s). The percentage value shown in the legend for this layer reflects the percentage of wells by township included in the initial dataset that have nitrate values at or above the drinking water standard of 10 ppm. The data provides an important indication of areas with the greatest concerns for elevated nitrate in private wells.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Tribal Government Boundaries

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Transportation (MNDOT)

Definition: The Minnesota interpretation of the boundary polygons of the federally recognized tribes within Minnesota. The layer is symbolized based on whether the area constitutes Reservation or Trust Land for the 12 tribes within the State of Minnesota. This layer is derived from legal descriptions, but should not be used for survey-grade applications.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Trout Streams

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: This layer shows legally designated trout streams and trout stream tributaries as identified in Minnesota Rules Chapter 6264. See for legal descriptions and restrictions associated with designated trout waters. This data set includes designated trout streams and their protected tributaries only.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.


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U.S. Congressional Districts, 2022

Data Owner: Minnesota Legislative Coordinating Commission - Geographic Information Services Office (LCC- GIS)

Definition: The boundaries for U.S. congressional districts in Minnesota.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.


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Watershed Health Assessment Scores

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: The Watershed Health Index approach identifies and analyzes data that characterizes the principal components of watershed health at the Major Watershed and Catchment scales. For each of the principal components (Geomorphology, Connectivity, Hydrology, Biology, and Water Quality) indices and underlying metrics have been developed that describe the relative health of the system. The generated values are scaled from 0 to 100 to provide a statewide comparable index of relative health risk.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Watershed Health Assessment for Lakes Scores

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: The Lake Health Index approach identifies and analyzes data that characterize and support evaluations of lake health across Minnesota. Lake health scores include multiple components that together characterize lake conditions including water quality, biology, hydrology, geomorphology, and connectivity. Additional data presented here provide basic information about a lake's characteristics and location as well as metrics used to derive lake health scores.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Watershed Management Districts and Organizations

Data Owner: Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR)

Definition: This data set depicts watershed district and watershed management organization boundaries throughout the state of Minnesota with boundaries differentiated by type:

  • Watershed District – Watershed districts are local units of government that work to solve and prevent water-related problems. The boundaries of the districts closely follow those of a natural watershed (an area in which all water drains to one point). They are created through a local petition process. Minnesota Statute Chapter 103D governs the formation and operation of watershed districts. To find contact information for staff within each Watershed District view the Watershed District Directory.
  • Watershed Management Organization – A watershed management organization (WMO) is defined as a watershed district wholly within the seven-county, Twin Cities Metropolitan Area or a joint powers entity established wholly or partly in the metropolitan area by special law or agreement to perform some or all of the functions of a watershed district. This WMO was created in 1982 when the Minnesota Legislature approved the Metropolitan Area Surface Water Management Act (Minnesota Statutes 103B.201 to 255). To find contact information for staff within each Watershed Management Organization view the Watershed Management Organizations Directory.
  • County Administered – If neither a Watershed District or Watershed Management Organization exists, then responsibility of water planning falls onto the county.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Wetland Banking Program Easements

Data Owner: Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR)

Definition: These data depict the approximate boundaries of lands protected by State of Minnesota conservation easements and/or other land protection mechanisms associated with the State’s wetland banking program. Boundaries should be considered approximate and do not necessarily represent survey grade data. The State of Minnesota wetland banking program is authorized by State statutes and associated State rules (Chapter 8420). The program requires that all land being utilized for wetland banking purposes be protected by a State conservation easement, although other land protection mechanisms were used prior to 2000. These protected lands are primarily privately-owned and not accessible to the public without landowner permission.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Wild Rice Lakes

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: This is a polygon coverage of Wild Rice Lakes and Rivers in Minnesota. Lakes and rivers were selected out from the DNR 100k Lakes and Rivers shapefile based upon intersection with nri_wricept2 .

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

Wildlife Action Plan - Species of Greatest Conservation Need Richness Grid

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: The SGCN Richness Grid is one input into the Wildlife Action Network, and was developed as part of the 2015-2025 MN Wildlife Action Plan revision. This layer depicts the richness of observances of species of greatest conservation need, i.e., how many at-risk species have been seen in a given area.

Data Source: A description of the project and links to the source data can be found on the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources website.

Wildlife Action Plan - Wildlife Action Network

Data Owner: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)

Definition: The Wildlife Action Network (WAN) was developed as part of the 2015-2025 MN Wildlife Action Plan revision. The WAN is made up of ten GIS layers representing quality aquatic and terrestrial habitats across the state of Minnesota.

Data Source: The source data and metadata are available for download through the Minnesota Geocommons website.

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