Route details
Launch from Riverside Park carry-in access (RM 25.0) in Cannon Falls, MN. Paddle 6.9 miles to Miesville Ravine County Park carry-in access (RM 18.1). This route will take 2-3 hours for the average paddler. A longer option is available (11.9 miles to the bridge at County Road 7 in the town of Welch at RM 13.1). Parking is at a premium in Welch and there is no developed public access, so you should consider contacting a local outfitter. This route will take 4-6 hours.
Route description
The Cannon is a State Wild & Scenic River with moderate current. This family friendly route has few rapids (Class I), none of which are difficult. Paddlers may see wildlife including bald eagles, herons and painted turtles. The Cannon flows into the Mississippi, so there is a wide variety of fish species present. The dwarf trout lily, which grows in this part of Minnesota, can be seen blooming in the spring.
More information
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Cannon River State Water Trail.