Other Land Use Training

The courses and course delivery options described here are designed to meet the scheduling and information needs of local government staff, appointed officials, and elected officials throughout the state. If you have ideas for course content or delivery options, please contact Dan Petrik at [email protected] or Ceil Strauss at [email protected].

house on water shore

Nonconformities in Shoreland and Floodplain

Administering zoning ordinances when nonconforming lots, structures and uses are involved can be confusing and difficult. Doing so in shoreland and floodplain where special state and federal requirements apply can be downright bewildering! Learn about these special situations and gain new confidence in administering your shoreland and floodplain ordinances. Recommended for planning staff. Watch the online training, presented by Dan Petrik and Ceil Strauss. Recorded 2/2/2022


Hydroclimatic Changes Affecting Minnesota's Water Resources

Understand observed trends in Minnesota’s climate Minnesota, particularly the changes in the quantity, timing, and intensity of precipitation, and the rapid rate of winter warming. Peer into the future to see what lies ahead. Watch the online training, presented by Kenny Blumenfeld. Recorded 3/3/2022.

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