As of August 2019, the following FEMA NFIP Technical Bulletins are available. (Only those applicable to Minnesota are included):
- TB 0, User's Guide to Technical Bulletins (2021)
Provides a list of available technical bulletins, a key word/subject reference index for all the bulletins, and information about how to obtain copies of the bulletins. - TB 1, Requirements for Flood Openings in Foundation Walls and Walls of Enclosures (2020)
Provides guidance on the NFIP regulations concerning the requirement for openings in below-Base Flood Elevation foundation walls for buildings located in Zones A, AE, A1-A30, AR, AO, and AH. (* Note: On pages 6-7, Technical Bulletin 11 is referenced. The options covered in TB 11 are not allowed in Minnesota.) - TB 2, Flood Damage-Resistant Materials Requirements (2008)
Provides guidance on the NFIP regulations concerning the required use of flood-damage resistant construction materials for building components located below the Base Flood Elevation in Special Flood Hazard Areas (both A and V zones). - TB 3, Non-Residential and Mixed Use Floodproofing – Requirements and Certification (2021)
Provides guidance on the NFIP regulations concerning watertight construction and the required certification for flood proofed non-residential buildings in Zones A, AE, A1-A30, AR, AO, and AH whose lowest floors are below the Base Flood Elevation. - TB 4, Elevator Installation for Buildings Located in Special Flood Hazard Areas (2019)
Provides guidance on the NFIP regulations concerning the installation of elevators below the Base Flood Elevation in Special Flood Hazard Areas (both A and V zones). - TB 6, Below-Grade Parking Requirements for Non-Residential and Mixed-Use Buildings (2021)
Provides guidance on the NFIP regulations concerning the design of below-grade parking garages beneath buildings located in Zones A, AE, A1-A30, AR, AO, and AH. - TB 7, Wet Floodproofing Requirement (2022)
Provides guidance on the NFIP regulations concerning wet floodproofing of certain types of structures located in Zones A, AE, A1-A30, AR, AO, and AH. - TB 10, Reasonably Safe From Flooding Requirement for Building on Filled Land (2023)
This technical bulletin discusses building techniques, including the use of fill, that can be used to ensure structures are reasonably safe from flooding. Note: In Minnesota, other than elevating the lowest floor on fill, the techniques listed in Technical Bulletin 10 are only allowed if the community amends their floodplain management ordinance and adopts the technical bulletin. Currently, only the cities of St. Paul and Stillwater – and a couple other smaller communities – have amended their floodplain regulations to make Technical Bulletin 10 applicable.