- GPX (the GPS Exchange Format) - contains GPS locations representing possible access points, along public roads, to the RGMAs. These data can be loaded as POI (Points of Interest) or waypoints on most GPS devices.
Download GPX format - KMZ - contains representations of RGMA boundaries on top of 2013 Farm Service Agency aerial imagery. This file is compatible with the Garmin GPS Custom Map format. Your GPS must support the Garmin GPS Custom Map format in order to use this file(s).
Download KMZ (Garmin) format
GPS files were last updated on 9/23/2015.
NOTE: All map data and map products (including Google Earth, Google Map and GPS files) are general and do not accurately represent the actual legal or established boundary or location of these areas, and thus should be used for reference only. Please respect private property and verify public hunting areas by observing boundary signs.All map data contained in the GPS files are subject to change. Typically, the GPS files will be updated once a year.