These new laws came about through the last legislative session and went into effect 5/18/2010.
- The defining maximum weight of a class 1 ATV was raised from 900 to 1,000 pounds. The weight of class 2 ATVs, 900 to 1,500 pounds was increased to 1,000 to 1,800 pounds.
- All Terrain Vehicles 25 years and older are exempt from registration if they were originally produced as a separate, identifiable make by a manufacturer. ATVs 25 years and older MAY be registered for unlimited use. This registration is non-transferable. Collector ATV registration does not expire. It is valid until the ownership is transferred.
- The Non-Resident ATV trail pass is not required if the non-resident is operating an ATV registered in Minnesota.
- Recreational Riding Restriction - A person may NOT ride recreationally during the firearms deer hunting season on DNR managed forest lands in those areas of the state where deer may be taken by rifle. Except: a person in possession of a valid firearms deer hunting license may operate an OHV before and after legal shooting hours and between 11:00am and 2:00pm.
- Residents and Non-Residents - A safety training certificate is not required for youth under 12 in organized contests on public lands or public waters. Youth under 12 may operate an ATV 90 cc or less, provided they 'fit' the machine and are supervised by a person 18 or older.
- Non-resident youth ages 12-15 may operate an ATV on public lands and waters or state/grant-in-aid trails if they have in possession proof of completing an ATV safety course offered by the ATV Safety Institute or another state and are accompanied by a person 18 years old or older who has a valid driver's license.