The following waters in the portions designated are closed to the taking of all fish during the periods specified to protect fish spawning areas. Look for signs at access sites and in the areas as noted. All dates are inclusive.Additional closures or openings may be posted here up to 48 hours prior to the law taking effect.Seasonal closures help protect fish when they are concentrated in areas during their spawning season. The number of spawning area closures is highest on years when winter persists longer than normal.
Current closures
Last update: Thursday, April 25, 2024 @ 10:00 am CDT UFN=Until Further Notice
Slide text left for complete information
Name | Location | County | Dates |
Bear Island River | Both sides of Highway (1 T.62, R.12, S.23,26) | St. Louis | April 27-May 10 |
Birch River | Both sides of County Road 21 (T.61, R.13, S.26,27) | St. Louis | April 27-May 10 |
Blackduck River | County Rd 32 north to Red Lake Reservation boundary | Beltrami | April 25-May 10 |
Burntside River | Both sides of County Road 88 at bridge (T.63, R.13, S.26) | St. Louis | April 27-May 10 |
Clearwater River | Below Clearwater Lake Dam for 900 feet | Clearwater | April 25-May 10 |
Coburn Creek | State Highway 71 to Blackduck Lake T.151, R.32, S.11,12,13 | Beltrami | April 25-May 10 |
Cross River (inlet to Gunflint Lake) | Trom the Gunflint Trail to Gunflint Lake including 300 yards from the mouth of the Cross River into Gunflint Lake | Cook | April 1-May 24 |
Dead River | Downstream of County Highway 14 to Walker Lake (T.134, R.40, S.2,3) | Otter Tail | April 1-May 20 |
Devil Track River | S.11,12, T.61, R.1E, From 1.1 to 1.6 miles above the mouth | Cook | September 1-May 31 |
Dittberner Creek | Tributary to Lake Miltona (T.130 R.38 S.14,15,23,24) | Douglas | April 15-May 31 |
Fall Lake | Below hydropower facility (T. 63, R. 11, S. 17, 20) | Lake | April 27-May 10 |
Gauthier Creek | S.27, T.62, R.3E | Cook | September 1-May 31 |
Granite River | At Saganaga Lake (S.4, T.66, R.4), from Saganaga Falls downstream to Saganaga Lake, including Saganaga Lake within 300 yards of the mouth of the Granite River. | Cook | April 1-May 31 |
Gull River | From the United States Army Corps of Engineers dam (Government Lot 1, S.20, T.134N, R.29W) downstream 250 feet. | Cass | May 11-May 24 |
Jewett Lake | Southwest shore (T.134, R.43, S.23) | Otter Tail | April 1-June 30 |
Kadunce Creek | S.2, T.61, R.2E, From 0.2 to 0.4 miles above the mouth | Cook | September 1-May 31 |
Lake Maud | Southwest Bay | Becker | May 1-June 10 |
Little Gunflint-Little North channel | The channel between Little Gunflint and Little North Lakes, including Little Gunflint Lake within 300 yards of the channel mouth, and Little North Lake within 100 yards of the channel head (T.65 R.2 S.16). | Cook | April 1-May 31 |
Mississippi River | Below Ottertail Power Dam to County 12 | Beltrami | April 25-May 10 |
Mississippi River (Pool 4) | 300 ft below Lock and Dam 3 (MN Waters, but WI also has same closure distance and period) | Goodhue | March 1-April 30 |
Mississippi River (Pool 5) | 300 ft below Lock and Dam 4 (MN Waters, but WI also has same closure distance and period) | Wabasha | March 1-April 30 |
Moody's Creek | Upstream From CR 432 1/2 Mile | Itasca | April 1-June 30 |
Pelican River | 500 feet upstream and 500 feet downstream from Dunton Locks Bridge between Muskrat Lake and Lake Sallie | Becker | April 1-April 30 |
Pelican River | Below Bucks Mill Dam to Buck Lake and from Big Detroit Lake upstream to State Highway 34 | Becker | April 1-April 30 |
Sea Gull River | From Sea Gull Lake including Gull Lake to Saganaga Lake approximately 1/3 mile north of the narrows (S.19,30,31, T.66, R.4, and S.25,36, T.66, R.5) | Cook | April 1-May 24 |
Shagawa River | Both sides of both road crossings at Winton (T.63, R.11, S.19; T.63, R.12, S.24) | St. Louis and Lake | April 27-May 10 |
Shotley Brook | State Highway 72 to Upper Red Lake | Beltrami | April 25-May 10 |
Tamarac River | From Upper Red Lake upstream to Beltrami- Koochiching county line | Beltrami | April 25-May 10 |
Toad River | Toad River Inlet to Big Pine Lake upstream to Co. Rd. 13 | Otter Tail | April 1-May 20 |
Turtle River | Below Three Island Dam to Turtle River Lake | Beltrami | April 25-May 10 |
Unnamed Creek | Flowage between Lake Ida and Lake Charlie (T.129 R.38 S.25,26,36) | Douglas | April 15-May 31 |
Unnamed Stream | Between Big Sand Lake and Emma Lake (T.141, R.34, S.23) | Hubbard | April 26-UFN |