A new online resource for educators, interpreters, group leaders, watershed professionals, parents and those interested in getting trained in Project WET!![Minnesota Project WET logo](https://images.dnr.state.mn.us/education_safety/education/projectwet/pw-logo.png)
Thank you for your interest in water education and being trained/certified in the internationally recognized, award-winning watershed curriculum! The link at the bottom will take you through a virtual training of the Project WET Curriculum and Activity Guide 2.0. You will be observing demos of Project WET lessons. Then, you will choose and teach/modify one lesson to be specifically place-based to your Minnesota community. Because online learning is now taking place throughout the state, here is how you can accomplish this goal:A. Incredible Journey
Janine Kohn, MN Project WET Coordinator at [email protected]
MN Project WET Coordinator
[email protected]
![Minnesota Project WET logo](https://images.dnr.state.mn.us/education_safety/education/projectwet/pw-logo.png)
![cover of WET training](https://images.dnr.state.mn.us/education_safety/education/projectwet/wet-training-cover.png)
WET 2.0 lesson choices:
A. Incredible Journey
B. Sum of the Parts
C. Grave Mistake
Option 1:
- Teach one of the lesson/activities listed above to your audience.
- Provide a 2 page-write up of the lesson.
- In addition, include photos of participants engaging in the activity.
- (Make sure you have photo permission.)
- List concepts that you enjoyed about the lesson/activity and adaptations made to make the lesson specialized to your community and watershed.
- List some “tips and tricks” learned.
Option 2:
- If you are not able to actively work with a group to teach (in person) one of the above lessons, write up an adaptation of a lesson/activity and share how you will make it Minnesota-specific and related to your community.
- Include a detailed extension/adaptation to the lesson.
- Please limit the lesson/activity write-up to 2 pages. Include pictures of the area in which you would perform this activity. (Make sure you have photo permission.)
Option 3:
- Create/write an adaptation to one of the above lessons where you are giving instructions on how to facilitate this lesson/activity to a parent, volunteer, interpreter or other group leader.
- Make the lesson place-based and list, in detail, how the outside party (parent/youth leader/interpreter perhaps?) would instruct/conduct this lesson/activity with their family/group/audience.
- Have the person/s
- who are engaging & teaching report back to you on how the lesson/activity went.
- Have participant/s send a write-of up their interpretation of the lesson/activity. (This could be an email follow-up.)
- Please list how you adapted the lesson/activity to fit this experience.
- Please include changes you would make when doing this activity in this format again.
- Collect/include pictures (with proper photo permission).
- List 3 ways you would share these experiences with other teachers, organizations, etc.
- Could this be a media opportunity to share with your local school, newspaper, church youth group, scout/4-H group, or school newsletter/announcements?
- Please note: You do not have to be a teacher to lead this lesson/activity. Have fun!
Option 4:
- If you are a homeschool instructor or parent taking this training to provide resources for at home/online learning, please choose a lesson.
- Write up the adaptations you implemented to make the lesson/activity relevant for your family or multi-age audience. How did it engage various age groups? (4yr old, 7yr old, etc.?)
- Create an extension activity realistic to your family setting that would allow further engagement in the topic. (This could be a reading project, observation walk, art project, physical game, writing/journaling assignment.)
- Please include photos of the experience (with proper photo permission).
- In the 2-page summary, include strategies that worked and did not work.
- Share suggestions on how you would improve your experience. Be creative, have fun!
Janine Kohn, MN Project WET Coordinator at [email protected]
Next steps:
- I will review your assignment and respond back to you with feedback.
- Upon receiving your assignment, I will send a Completion Code and directions on how to move forward in the course.
- Next, you will submit this code to the National Project WET office to officially enroll in the course and pay the online registration fee of $40.
- Lastly, the National Project WET office will send the WET Guide 2.0 guide book to your home address.
Final steps:
- Once you receive your guide, the rest of the training will be unlocked and you will continue to complete the remaining coursework.
- During this part of the online course, you will learn how to use the WET Portal, Dashboard, DiscoverWater.org website and “splash” through the WET Guide 2.0.
- Participants of the course will receive a final email of completion from the National Office-make sure you list your coordinator’s name (Janine Kohn).
- Additionally, a notification of accomplishment will be sent to me and then you will be added to the list of MN Project WET trained participants.
- Finally, participants can download a certificate of completion and an agenda for CEU credits (6 hrs.)
- Please reach out to me if you are interested in a graduate credit hour through Hamline University.
- Additional hours/course requirements and fee are required for graduate credit.
- For questions pertaining to the training and tips, please email me directly.
WET online course
Janine KohnMN Project WET Coordinator
[email protected]