The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has issued its annual ice safety warning for lakes with winter aeration systems.
The updated list of aerated lakes and more information is available on the DNR website.
“We urge people to use caution anytime they venture onto ice,” DNR Aeration Program Coordinator Denise Elston said. “Ice is never 100% safe, and extreme care should be taken on aerated lakes. Watch for the large orange and black warning signs at high use public accesses and the required thin ice signs around open water areas.”
The DNR permits aeration systems to help prevent winterkill of fish populations by adding oxygen to the lake and, in certain situations, to protect shorelines and structures from ice damage. They are generally operated from the time the lakes freeze until the ice breaks up in the spring. Aeration systems will be operating on 189 Minnesota lakes with public accesses this winter. Private hatchery operators also use aeration systems, usually on small lakes without public accesses.
A permit from the DNR is required to install and operate an aeration system. Permit holders must publish public notices, post warning signs and inspect the systems at least once every seven days. Lake users can watch for notices in local media or check out the DNR aeration webpage to find out which area lakes are aerated.
Some municipalities have ordinances that prohibit entering the thin ice marked area and/or prohibit the night use of motorized vehicles on lakes with aeration systems in operation. These local regulations are often posted at accesses where they apply.
Questions about winter fish kill or winter water quality can be directed to a regional or area fisheries office. Questions concerning aeration can be directed to DNR Aeration Program Coordinator Denise Elston at 218-580-8646.