Call a Rattlesnake Responder!

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has developed a Timber Rattlesnake Responder Program comprised of trained local volunteers who help with nuisance rattlesnakes.

  • Fillmore County Non-emergency Dispatch: 507-765-3874 ext. 1
  • Goodhue County Non-emergency Dispatch: 651-385-3155
  • Houston County Non-emergency Dispatch: 507-725-3379 ext. 1
  • Olmsted County Non-emergency Dispatch: 507-328-6800 ext. 1
  • Wabasha County Non-emergency Dispatch: 651-565-3361
  • Winona County Non-emergency Dispatch: 507-457-6491
Why call a Timber Rattlesnake Responder? They have equipment to safely catch and contain a rattlesnake so that it can be moved out of harm’s way. Research has shown that most rattlesnakes find this a negative experience, and will generally avoid returning to a location where they were captured. Timber rattlesnakes are a state threatened species and protected by statute.

If you have timber rattlesnakes regularly visiting your property and want some help with discouraging their presence, follow the guidance on deterring unwanted snakes. By eliminating hiding\basking spots and a food source, timber rattlesnakes will not find your property inviting but move on in search of better conditions.timber rattlesnake being safely bagged.

Stay safe and keep timber rattlesnakes safe by calling a Timber Rattlesnake Responder next time you have a rattlesnake show up on your doorstep!

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