Introduction extracted from Report 308:
GENERAL INFORMATION B-horizon soil samples were collected at 1385 sites along roads, rivers and lakeshores by the USGS during 1971 - 1975 at a depth of 30-45 cm. The <80 mesh fraction was analyzed in 1993 for Pt, Pd, and Au on behalf of the MDNR-Minerals by Bondar-Glegg & company Ltd Ontario, Canada using a fire assay lead collection direct current plasma atomic emission spectroscopic technique. An interpretation of this data as well as data from USGS analyses will be presented by the authors as a USGS bulletin (in preparation). Precious-metal concentration ranges in these B-horizon soils are shown below:View or download report
Report 308: Platinum, Palladium and Gold Distribution in B-Horizon Soils in the Northwestern Part of the Duluth Complex, Minnesota; A cooperative project with the United States Geological Survey(26 pages, 8.5 x 11 inches, 2.74 MB)
Authors: E. H. Dahlberg and 1Alminas, H.V.
1United State Geological Survey Branch of GeochemistryPlease note: Best results in viewing this report will be obtained by saving the file to a location of your choice and opening with Adobe Reader or Acrobat. Some report information may not display as a result of opening with Acrobat directly from a web browser.
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