Locator Map
Background extracted from Report 280, page 1:
BACKGROUND This survey of part of Lake of the Woods County (the Baudette area) in northern Minnesota represents a westward expansion of the deep overburden characterization (glacial till sampling) program begun by the Department of Natural Resources in 1985. The goals of the program are to detect regional-scale anomalies of gold and other metals in the glacial overburden, and to develop the stratigraphic framework for understanding those anomalies. The Baudette area, near Lake of the Woods on the Canadian border, is covered by deep glacial overburden (> 100 feet), and is underlain by an attractive, but relatively unexplored, gold terrane made up of structurally-deformed, volcanic associated rocks of the Wabigoon granite greenstone belt. The deep overburden hides the bedrock and hinders mineral potential evaluation of state lands.View or download report

Project Area
(203 pages, 8.5 x 11 inches, 7.46 MB)
Authors: D.P. Martin1, D.A. Dahl1, D.F. Cartwright1, G.N. Meyer2
2Minnesota Geological SurveyPlease note: Best results in viewing this report will be obtained by saving the file to a location of your choice and opening with Adobe Reader or Acrobat. Some report information may not display as a result of opening with Acrobat directly from a web browser.
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View or download plates
Plate 1a: All Columnar Sections Hung by Elevations (see legend on page B-2 in Appendix B).(29.40 x 49.71 inches, full size, 3.06 mb)
Author: MN DNR, Lands and Minerals Division
Plate 1b: All Columnar Sections Hung by Elevations (see legend on page B-2 in Appendix B).
(21.28 x 50.31 inches, full size, 2.46 mb)
Author: MN DNR, Lands and Minerals Division
Download GIS data
The following zip file contains information for twenty-one townships in the Baudette area of Lake of the Woods County in northern Minnesota, as described in the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Lands and Minerals Division Report “Regional Survey of Buried Glacial Drift, Saprolite, and Precambrian Bedrock in Lake of the Woods County, Minnesota – Report 280,” published in 1991. Each folder contains data from the report in a different format. The data is presented in its original format, in a Microsoft Access database, dBase IV file format, and ArcGIS shapefiles/feature classes inside a file geodatabase.- mpes280_data.zip (zip file, 883 kb)
- Summary document about the data (58 kb)
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