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Abstract extracted from page 1 of Report 263, Volume 1:
ABSTRACT A regional geochemical survey was conducted during 1988-89 by drilling Rotasonic cores of buried glacial drift over roughly 33 townships of Archean (Superior Province) terrane in southern Koochiching and northern Itasca counties between Big Falls and Bigfork. The objectives are directed at mineral potential evaluation and include the identification of glacial drift stratigraphy, favorable stratigraphy and sample media for geochemistry, examination of saprolite and bedrock lithology, and the organization of pertinent data into a computer database.The underlying Archean bedrock (Quetico and Wawa subprovinces) is poorly understood, being largely unexplored prior to the current Minnesota Geological Survey (MGS) mapping program. Twenty-three Rotasonic drill holes, totaling 4,232 ft., were cored in 34 drilling days in the Effie area. The glacial drift stratigraphy logged by Gary Meyer (MGS) is more complex than to the east or north (Martin, et al., 1988). We have identified the late Wisconsinan Koochiching lobe and Rainy lobe drift, older (pre-late Wisconsinan) drift and saprolite. Lumping the stratigraphy into five general packages--Koochiching drift, Rainy drift, Old Rainy drift, Winnipeg drift, and laterite--there were 14 different stratigraphic columns found in the 23 drill holes. Twelve holes encountered saprolite, ranging in thickness from 1 to 58 feet.
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Part I: Regional Geochemical Survey of Glacial Drift Drill Samples Over Archean Granite - Greenstone Terrane in the Effie Area, Northern Minnesota.(70 pages, 8.5 x 11 inches, 3.42 MB)
Authors: D.P. Martin, G. Meyer1, D.F. Cartwright, T.L. Lawler, T. Pastika, M.A. Jirsa1, T.J. Boerboom1, and A.R. Streitz2
Part II: Regional Geochemical Survey of Glacial Drift Drill Samples Over Archean Granite - Greenstone Terrane in the Effie Area, Northern Minnesota.
(328 pages, 11 x 17 inches, Large File Size - 20.3 MB)
Authors: D.P. Martin, G. Meyer1, D.F. Cartwright, T.L. Lawler, T. Pastika, M.A. Jirsa1, T.J. Boerboom1, and A.R. Streitz2
1Minnesota Geological Survey
2MN DNR, Division of WatersPlease note: Best results in viewing these reports will be obtained by saving the files to a location of your choice and opening with Adobe Reader or Acrobat. Some report information may not display as a result of opening with Acrobat directly from a web browser.
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View or download plates
Plate 4-1: Effie Area Drill Hole Location Map: 23 Rotasonic Cores from 1988 DNR Drilling near Effie.(18.4 x 19.7 inches, full size, 557 kb)
Author: MN DNR, Lands and Minerals Division
Plate 4-2: Quaternary Cross Sections: Effie Exploration Area, Minnesota.
(30 x 24.3 inches, full size, 624 kb)
Author: G. Meyer1
1Minnesota Geological Survey
Digital data available
Report 263 Digital Data (.zip, 1.21 mb)The zip file contains data for samples extracted from twenty seven drill holes described in the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of Land and Minerals Report “Regional Geochemical Survey of Glacial Drift Drill Samples Over Archean Granite - Greenstone Terrane in the Effie Area, Northern Minnesota - Report 263,” published 1989. Each folder contains all of the data from the report in a different format. The data is presented in a Microsoft Access database, Microsoft Excel 97-2003 workbooks, dBase IV files, and ArcGIS shapefiles. The conversion of the original ASCII digital data to these formats was completed in September of 2012. The sixteen data sets enumerating drill hole or core sample data contain geospatial information in the form of Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) East and North coordinates, a “Z” field with the elevation of the drill hole top, and elevation the of top and bottom of the individual samples; all elevations are in feet above sea level. A new field named “Sample_Num,” concatenating the “Sample” and “Sample_Typ” fields, has been added to tables with a “Sample” field in order to facilitate table joins. Detailed descriptions of the other data fields can be found in Part I and Part II of the report listed above. The data is designed to be used as a supplement to the report and plates. Report 263 Georeferenced Map Figures (zip, 24 mb, June 2016)The maps found in Report 263 have been georeferenced for use in GIS software. A short metadata summary can be found in the zip file. Disclaimer and Copyright Protection: Maps, Reports, Data, and Other Information:The State of Minnesota makes no representations or warranties express or implied, with respect to the use of the information contained herein regardless of its format or the means of its transmission. There is no guarantee or representation to the user as to the accuracy, currency, suitability, completeness, usefulness, or reliability of this information for any purpose. The user accepts the information “as is." The State of Minnesota assumes no responsibility for loss or damage incurred as a result of any user’s reliance on this information. All maps, reports, data, and other information contained herein are protected by copyright. Permission is granted to copy and use the materials herein for any lawful noncommercial purpose. Any user of this information agrees not to transmit or provide access to all or any part of this information to another party unless the user shall include with the information a copy of this disclaimer.