Preface extracted from page 1 of the report:
PREFACE The Division of Minerals is responsible for managing state and local government mineral interests on more than 10,000,000 acres of land. The geologic drilling program is one of a number of projects carried out to improve the mineral potential data base to aid in managing these interests, particularly in those areas where greater mineral potential is suspected but data is lacking and there is no industry leasing of state mineral ownership. The current program is a continuation of one begun in 1980 as a result of funding by the Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources. The information gained serves to aid managers in making land use decisions, establishing mineral leasing priorities, and encouraging mineral diversification activities in Minnesota.View or download report
Report 251: 1986-1987 Geodrilling Report; DNR Drill Core from T46N R25W, T46N R28W, T52N R15W, T59N R12W, T56N R14W, T57N R12W(190 pages, 8.5 x 11 inches, 5.91 MB)
Authors: E.H. Dahlberg, B.A. Frey, L.W. Gladen, T.L. Lawler, K.L. Malmquist, and M.P. McKennaPlease note: Best results in viewing this report will be obtained by saving the file to a location of your choice and opening with Adobe Reader or Acrobat. Some report information may not display as a result of opening with Acrobat directly from a web browser.
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Download GIS data
The following zip file contains data for 359 core samples extracted from 9 drill holes described in the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MnDNR), Division of Land and Minerals Report 251, “1986-1987 Geodrilling Report”. Each folder in the zip file contains data from the report in a different format. The data is presented as a Microsoft Access database, ArcGIS File Geodatabase, ESRI Shapefiles, as well as includes the original ASC data. Also included are PDFs of the drill logs extracted from the report. For more information see the summary document below.- (zip file, 4.8 mb)
- Summary document about the data (.pdf, 36 kb)
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