DNR Report 231: 1985; A Compilation of Ore Mineral Occurrences, Drill Core, and Testpits in the State of Minnesota

Objective and summary extracted from page 1 of the report:

OBJECTIVE The intent of this report is to compile into one practical source references on publicly reported mineral resource occurrences for the entire state of Minnesota based on a literature search. This compilation includes a list with locations for all publicly reported testpits, ore- mineral occurrences, certain indicator minerals, and all open-file (or public) drill cores. The report is directed at planners and geologists as a tool for preliminary mineral potential evaluation of land parcels. No field verification of any data location was done. The reader is encouraged to check the details of the original references, which could only be summarized here. The project was initiated as a result of funding provided to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minerals Division, by the Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCMR). It is recognized that the first edition of any list such as this could not be totally complete. A current goal is to evaluate the usefulness of this report, and possibly update it in the future. Additions, corrections, clarifications or comments will be welcome from readers. To facilitate future revisions, the data in this report has been summarized within a computer filing system. The Land Management Information Center was utilized to computer plot all the maps in this report.


SUMMARY Data was collected for townships from 70 counties. There are approximately 4200 drill cores cited and 214 test pits. The following 28 elements were found: Au, Ag, As, B, Ba, Be, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, F, Hg, K, Mo, Mn, Ni, Pd, P, Pb, S, Sb, Se, Th, Ti, U, V, W, Zn. Because of the abundance of data for seventeen elements, we had to set up minimum assay values below which any values were excluded...

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Report 231: A Compilation of Ore Mineral Occurrences, Drill Core, and Testpits in the State of Minnesota; literature search on publicly reported mineral occurrences. 
(368 pages, 8.5 x 11 inches, Large File Size - 17.13 MB
Author: D.P. Martin

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Map plates available

Plates 1-4: Reside on map sheets in the DNR Hibbing office. 
Author: DNR, Lands and Minerals Division

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Report 231 Data (zip, 2.4mb)

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