DNR Report 107: 1977; Geophysical and Geochemical Survey, Skeleton Lake Area, St. Louis County, Minnesota

Introduction extracted from page 1 of the report:

INTRODUCTION In 1974-75, diamond drilling in an area near Skeleton Lake in St. Louis County intersected massive sulfide containing over 3% copper (Figure 1). The massive sulfide occurs in intermediate to mafic metavolcanics. Agglomerate is common in the area.

The Minerals Division of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, having the responsibility of assessing the mineral potential of state controlled lands, felt this area required further evaluation. The state controlled land in this area is extensive. Therefore, geophysical and geochemical surveys were conducted in 1975 and 1976 for the objectives of identifying geophysical conductors and geochemical trends which may reflect economic mineralization. The purpose of these surveys was to produce a reconnaissance type assessment of the mineral potential of the area.

The geophysical and geochemical surveys described in this report are generally reconnaissance in scope. The geophysical surveys (EM and magnetics) were conducted on portions of the grid established for the above described drilling, and extended outward from this grid. The geochemical surveys consisted of lake sediment, organic stream bank, surface soil and peat sampling.

The geophysical data for this report was derived by Minerals Division field surveys and from open file lease information supplied by exploration companies.

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Report 107: Geophysical and Geochemical Survey, Skeleton Lake Area, St. Louis County, Minnesota; discussion of EM & magnetics, organic lake & stream sediments in T61N R14W. 
(10 pages, 8.5 x 11 inches, 614 KB) 
Authors: M.K. Vadis and D.G. Meineke

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Map sheets

Map Sheets 1-6: Maps
Author: MN DNR, Lands and Minerals Division

Digital data available

See MN DNR Report 376, Minnesota Lake Sediment Geochemistry Surveys for compiled GIS geochemistry data from historic MN DNR lake and stream sediment survey reports including report 107.

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