DNR Report 104: 1976; Preliminary Report on Nineteen Digestion Methods Tested on Various Geochemical Sample Medias

Introduction extracted from page 1 of the report:

INTRODUCTION The extractability of metal ions and selectivity of certain sample components by various digestion methods is an important consideration in exploration geochemistry. This subject has been discussed by many authors, some of which are given in the reference section at the back of this report. For this study, nineteen different digestion methods were tested on seven different types of geochemical samples and analyzed for copper, nickel and zinc. The digestion methods are described in the Appendix. The solutions were analyzed by A. W. Klaysmat (Minerals Division Chemist) on a Perkin-Elmer 303 atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The results of these tests are considered preliminary. The results for each digestion method and sample media are presented in Tables 1, 2 and 3.


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Report 104: Preliminary Report on Nineteen Digestion Methods Tested on Various Geochemical Sample Medias
(19 pages, 8.5 x 11 inches, 495 KB) 
Authors: D.G. Meineke & A.W. Klaysmat

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